= RedCloth - Textile and Markdown Hybrid for Ruby
Homepage:: http://whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/redcloth/
Author:: why the lucky stiff (http://whytheluckystiff.net/)
Copyright:: (cc) 2004 why the lucky stiff (and his puppet organizations.)
License:: BSD
(see http://hobix.com/textile/ for a Textile Reference.)
Based on (and also inspired by) both:
PyTextile: http://diveintomark.org/projects/textile/textile.py.txt
Textism for PHP: http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/
= RedCloth
RedCloth is a Ruby library for converting Textile and/or Markdown
into HTML. You can use either format, intermingled or separately.
You can also extend RedCloth to honor your own custom text stylings.
RedCloth users are encouraged to use Textile if they are generating
HTML and to use Markdown if others will be viewing the plain text.
== What is Textile?
Textile is a simple formatting style for text
documents, loosely based on some HTML conventions.
== Sample Textile Text
h2. This is a title
h3. This is a subhead
This is a bit of paragraph.
bq. This is a blockquote.
= Writing Textile
A Textile document consists of paragraphs. Paragraphs
can be specially formatted by adding a small instruction
to the beginning of the paragraph.
h[n]. Header of size [n].
bq. Blockquote.
Numeric list.
== Quick Phrase Modifiers
Quick phrase modifiers are also included, to allow formatting
of small portions of text within a paragraph.
-deleted text-
+inserted text+
==notextile== (leave text alone)
== Links
To make a hypertext link, put the link text in "quotation
marks" followed immediately by a colon and the URL of the link.
Optional: text in (parentheses) following the link text,
but before the closing quotation mark, will become a Title
attribute for the link, visible as a tool tip when a cursor is above it.
"This is a link (This is a title) ":http://www.textism.com
Will become:
This is a link
== Images
To insert an image, put the URL for the image inside exclamation marks.
Optional: text that immediately follows the URL in (parentheses) will
be used as the Alt text for the image. Images on the web should always
have descriptive Alt text for the benefit of readers using non-graphical
Optional: place a colon followed by a URL immediately after the
closing ! to make the image into a link.
Will become:
With a link:
Will become:

== Defining Acronyms
HTML allows authors to define acronyms via the tag. The definition appears as a
tool tip when a cursor hovers over the acronym. A crucial aid to clear writing,
this should be used at least once for each acronym in documents where they appear.
To quickly define an acronym in Textile, place the full text in (parentheses)
immediately following the acronym.
ACLU(American Civil Liberties Union)
Will become:
== Adding Tables
In Textile, simple tables can be added by seperating each column by
a pipe.
Attributes are defined by style definitions in parentheses.
table(border:1px solid black).
(background:#ddd;color:red). |{}| | | |
== Using RedCloth
RedCloth is simply an extension of the String class, which can handle
Textile formatting. Use it like a String and output HTML with its
RedCloth#to_html method.
doc = RedCloth.new "
h2. Test document
Just a simple test."
puts doc.to_html
By default, RedCloth uses both Textile and Markdown formatting, with
Textile formatting taking precedence. If you want to turn off Markdown
formatting, to boost speed and limit the processor:
class RedCloth::Textile.new( str )