SubskribeDevClient::AccountingApi | get_accounting_events | GET /accounting/journalEntry/events | Get accounting events for the specified dates |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountingApi | get_journal_entries | GET /accounting/journalEntry | Return Journal Entries for period |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountingApi | specify_current_accounting_period | POST /accountingPeriods | Specify the current accounting period |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | add_account | POST /accounts | Add a new account |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | add_account_contact | POST /accounts/{accountId}/contacts | Add a contact for an account |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | add_account_payment_method | POST /accounts/{accountId}/paymentMethods | Add a payment method to an account |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | delete_account | DELETE /accounts/{id} | Delete an account |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | delete_account_contact | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/contacts/{contactId} | Delete a contact |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | get_account | GET /accounts/{id} | Get an account by id |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | get_account_contact | GET /accounts/{accountId}/contacts/{contactId} | Gets contact details |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | get_account_contacts | GET /accounts/{accountId}/contacts | Get contacts for an account |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | get_account_metrics | GET /accounts/{id}/metrics | Returns metrics for the specified account |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | get_account_payment_methods | GET /accounts/{accountId}/paymentMethods | Get the payment methods for an account |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | get_accounts | GET /accounts | Get all accounts |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | get_payment_method | GET /accounts/{accountId}/paymentMethods/{id} | Get the details of a payment method |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | import_crm_account | POST /accounts/crm/import | Import an account from a CRM |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | update_account | PUT /accounts/{id} | Update an account |
SubskribeDevClient::AccountsApi | update_account_contact | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/contacts/{contactId} | Update a contact |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | add_approval_role | POST /approvalRoles | Add an approval role |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | add_approval_segment | POST /approvalSegments | Add an approval segment |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | delete_approval_role | DELETE /approvalRoles/{approvalRoleId} | Delete an approval role |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | delete_approval_segment | DELETE /approvalSegments/{approvalSegmentId} | Delete a segment |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | fetch_notification | GET /approvalFlowNotifications | make ngrok happy |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | get_all_import_details | GET /approvalMatrix/csv | Get approval matrix details |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | get_approval_matrix_as_csv | GET /approvalMatrix/csv/download | Download approval matrix |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | get_approval_role_by_id | GET /approvalRoles/{approvalRoleId} | Get Details of an approval role |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | get_approval_roles | GET /approvalRoles | Get approval roles |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | get_approval_segment_by_id | GET /approvalSegments/{approvalSegmentId} | Get approval segment details |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | get_approval_segments | GET /approvalSegments | Get approval segments |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | get_import_details_by_id | GET /approvalMatrix/csv/{importId} | Get import details |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | get_import_preview | GET /approvalMatrix/csv/{importId}/preview | Preview import changes |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | get_import_result | GET /approvalMatrix/csv/{importId}/download | Download the csv for an import |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | receive_approval_flow_notification | POST /approvalFlowNotifications | Receive approval flow notification |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | submit_approval_matrix_csv | POST /approvalMatrix/csv/{importId}/submit | Finalize an import |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | update_approval_role | PUT /approvalRoles/{approvalRoleId} | Update an approval role |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | update_approval_segment | PUT /approvalSegments/{approvalSegmentId} | Update an approval segment |
SubskribeDevClient::ApprovalsApi | upload_approval_matrix_csv | POST /approvalMatrix/csv | Upload an Approval Matrix |
SubskribeDevClient::AttachmentsApi | add_attachment_to_account | POST /attachments/account/{accountId} | Add an attachment |
SubskribeDevClient::AttachmentsApi | delete_attachment_from_account | DELETE /attachments/{attachmentId} | Delete an attachment |
SubskribeDevClient::AttachmentsApi | get_attachment | GET /attachments/{attachmentId} | Get attachment contents |
SubskribeDevClient::AttachmentsApi | list_account_attachments | GET /attachments/account/{accountId} | Get attachments for an account |
SubskribeDevClient::AttachmentsApi | modify_attachment | PUT /attachments | Update the details of an attachment |
SubskribeDevClient::AuthenticationApi | add_saml_integration | POST /auth/saml | Add a saml integration |
SubskribeDevClient::AuthenticationApi | create_api_key | POST /apikey | Create a new api key |
SubskribeDevClient::AuthenticationApi | get_all_api_keys | GET /apikey | Retrieves all API keys |
SubskribeDevClient::AuthenticationApi | get_api_key_by_id | GET /apikey/{id} | Retrieve an API key by id |
SubskribeDevClient::AuthenticationApi | revoke_api_key | DELETE /apikey/revoke | revoke all keys |
SubskribeDevClient::AuthenticationApi | revoke_api_key_by_id | DELETE /apikey/revoke/{id} | revoke an API key by id |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | add_automated_invoice_rule | POST /automatedInvoiceRules | Create an automated invoice rule |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | add_billing_schedule | POST /invoices/schedule | Add a new billing schedule for subscription line item |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | add_subscription_charge_alias | PUT /alias/subscriptionCharge/{aliasId} | Create an alias for a subscription id/charge id pair |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | apply_credit_memo | POST /settlements/applyCreditMemo | Apply a credit memo |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | create_bulk_invoice_run | POST /invoices/bulk | Create a bulk invoice run |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | create_invoice_document | POST /invoices/{invoiceNumber}/pdf | Generate invoice PDF |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | delete_billing_schedule | DELETE /invoices/schedule/{id} | Delete an existing billing schedule |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | delete_invoice | DELETE /invoices/{number} | Delete invoice |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | delete_subscription_charge_alias | DELETE /alias/subscriptionCharge/{aliasId} | Delete the specified alias |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | generate_invoice | POST /invoices/generate | Generate subscription invoices |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_account_receivable_contact | GET /accountReceivableContact | Get the contact for accounts receivable |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_automated_invoice_rule | GET /automatedInvoiceRules/{id} | Get automated invoice rule details |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_automated_invoice_rules | GET /automatedInvoiceRules | Get automated invoice rules for a tenant |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_billing_schedules | GET /invoices/schedule | Get billing schedules for a subscription line item |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_bulk_invoice_run | GET /invoices/bulk/{bulkInvoiceRunId} | Get bulk invoice run details |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_bulk_invoice_run_items | GET /invoices/bulk/{bulkInvoiceRunId}/runItems | Get items for bulk invoice run |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_dunning_setting | GET /dunningSetting | Get dunning settings |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_invoice | GET /invoices/{number} | Get invoice details |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_invoice_balance | GET /invoices/{number}/balance | Get invoice balance |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_invoice_document_pdf | GET /invoices/{invoiceNumber}/pdf | Download invoice PDF |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_invoices | GET /invoices | Get all invoices for a subscription |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_raw_invoice_document_json | GET /invoices/{invoiceNumber}/documentJson | Get the invoice document JSON that is used to render invoice PDF |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_settlement_application | GET /settlements/{id} | Get settlement application details |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_settlement_applications | GET /settlements | Get settlement applications |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_subscription_charge_alias | GET /alias/subscriptionCharge/{aliasId} | Get the details of an alias |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | get_usage_for_subscription_charge | GET /invoices/usage | Get usage |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | list_aliases_for_subscription | GET /alias/subscriptionCharge | Get aliases for a subscription |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | post_invoice | POST /invoices/{number}/post | Mark invoice as posted |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | post_invoices_for_bulk_invoice_run | PUT /invoices/bulk/{bulkInvoiceRunId}/post | Posts invoices for a bulk run |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | preview_invoice_by_order_period | GET /invoices/unbilledUsage | Get unbilled usage |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | preview_invoice_by_order_period1 | GET /invoices/preview | Preview invoices |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | put_account_receivable_contact | PUT /accountReceivableContact | Set the contact for accounts receivable |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | send_invoice_reminder | POST /dunning/sendInvoiceReminder/{invoiceNumber} | Send an Invoice Reminder |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | send_test_dunning_email | POST /dunning/sendTestEmail/{reminderType} | Send a test email |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | update_automated_invoice_rule | PUT /automatedInvoiceRules/{id} | Update automated invoice rule details |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | update_dunning_setting | PUT /dunningSetting | Update dunning settings |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | update_invoice | PUT /invoices/{number} | Update invoice details |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | update_invoice_sequence | POST /invoices/sequence/{invoiceConfigId} | Update invoice sequence |
SubskribeDevClient::BillingApi | void_invoice | PUT /invoices/{number}/void | Mark invoice as voided |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | convert_negative_draft_invoice | PUT /creditmemos/convert/{invoiceNumber} | Convert invoice to credit memo |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | create_credit_memo_document | POST /creditmemos/{creditMemoNumber}/pdf | Create a credit memo document |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | create_standalone_credit_memo | POST /creditmemos | Create a standalone credit memo |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | delete_credit_memo | DELETE /creditmemos/{creditMemoNumber} | Delete a credit memo |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | get_credit_balance | GET /creditmemos/{creditMemoNumber}/balance | Get credit memo balance |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | get_credit_memo | GET /creditmemos/{creditMemoNumber} | Get credit memo details |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | get_credit_memo_configuration | GET /creditmemos/configuration | Get credit memo configuration for the tenant |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | get_credit_memo_document_pdf | GET /creditmemos/{creditMemoNumber}/pdf | Download credit memo pdf |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | get_credit_memo_for_account | GET /creditmemos | Get credit memos for an account |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | post_credit_memo | POST /creditmemos/{creditMemoNumber}/post | Post a credit memo |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | update_credit_memo_configuration | POST /creditmemos/configuration | Update credit memo configuration |
SubskribeDevClient::CreditMemoApi | update_draft_credit_memo | PUT /creditmemos/{creditMemoNumber} | Update a credit memo |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomFieldApi | create_custom_field_definition | POST /customFieldDefinition | Create a custom field definition |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomFieldApi | delete_custom_field_definition | DELETE /customFieldDefinition/{id} | Delete a custom field definition |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomFieldApi | get_custom_field_definitions | GET /customFieldDefinition/{parentObjectType} | Get custom field definitions |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomFieldApi | get_custom_fields | GET /customField/{parentObjectType}/{parentObjectId} | Get custom fields by type and parent object id |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomFieldApi | update_custom_field | PUT /customField/{parentObjectType}/{parentObjectId}/{customFieldName} | Update an existing set of custom fields |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomFieldApi | update_custom_field_definition | PUT /customFieldDefinition/{id} | Update an existing custom field definition |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomFieldApi | update_custom_fields | PUT /customField/{parentObjectType}/{parentObjectId} | Update an existing set of custom fields |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomizationApi | compile_order_creation_customization_zeppa_script | PUT /beta/customization/orderCreationCustomization/compile | Compile and Verify a order creation customization for correctness |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomizationApi | compile_plan_selection_customization_zeppa_script | PUT /beta/customization/planSelectionCustomization/compile | Compile and Verify a plan selection customization for correctness |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomizationApi | test_order_creation_customization_zeppa_script | PUT /beta/customization/orderCreationCustomization/test | Test a order creation customization zeppa script |
SubskribeDevClient::CustomizationApi | test_plan_selection_customization_zeppa_script | PUT /beta/customization/planSelectionCustomization/test | Test a plan selection customization zeppa script |
SubskribeDevClient::DefaultApi | add_and_apply_payment | POST /settlements/addAndApplyPayment | Apply a payment on a specific invoice |
SubskribeDevClient::DefaultApi | get_order_document | GET /documentLinks/{id} | |
SubskribeDevClient::DefaultApi | validate_address | POST /anrok/validate | Validate an address with Anrok |
SubskribeDevClient::DefaultApi | validate_address1 | POST /taxjar/validate | Validate an address with TaxJar |
SubskribeDevClient::DiscountsApi | add_discount | POST /discounts | Create a discount |
SubskribeDevClient::DiscountsApi | delete_discount | DELETE /discounts/{id} | Delete a discount |
SubskribeDevClient::DiscountsApi | get_discount | GET /discounts/{id} | Get discount |
SubskribeDevClient::DiscountsApi | get_discounts | GET /discounts | Get discounts |
SubskribeDevClient::DiscountsApi | update_discount | PUT /discounts/{id} | Update discount details |
SubskribeDevClient::DiscountsApi | update_discount_status | PUT /discounts/{id}/status/{status} | Update discount status |
SubskribeDevClient::ERPApi | process_delete_tasks | POST /erp/processDeleteTasks/{accountingPeriodId} | Trigger ERP journal entry deletion task |
SubskribeDevClient::ERPApi | process_sync_tasks | POST /erp/processSyncTasks/{accountingPeriodId} | Trigger ERP journal entry sync task |
SubskribeDevClient::ERPApi | sync_credit_memo_to_erp | POST /erp/syncCreditMemo/{creditMemoNumber} | Trigger ERP credit memo sync task |
SubskribeDevClient::ERPApi | sync_invoice_to_erp | POST /erp/syncInvoice/{invoiceId} | Trigger ERP invoice sync task |
SubskribeDevClient::ERPApi | sync_void_invoice_to_erp | POST /erp/syncVoidInvoice/{invoiceNumber} | Trigger ERP void invoice sync task |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | account_entity_migration | POST /entities/migrate/account | Move account to a target entity |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | composite_order_entity_migration | POST /entities/migrate/compositeOrder | Move composite order to a target entity |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | create | POST /entities | Create an entity |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | delete_entity | DELETE /entities/{id} | Delete entity |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | get_entities | GET /entities | Gets entities |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | get_entity_by_id | GET /entities/{id} | Gets entity details |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | get_logo | GET /entities/logo/{entityId} | Get entity logo |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | order_entity_migration | POST /entities/migrate/order | Update order entity |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | subscription_entity_migration | POST /entities/migrate/subscription | Move subscription to a target entity |
SubskribeDevClient::EntitiesApi | upload_logo | PUT /entities/logo/{entityId} | Update entity logo |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | create_flatfile_workbook | POST /import/flatfile/{domain} | Create a Flatfile workbook |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | get_account_contacts_in_import_format | GET /import/export/accountContact | Get account contacts for export |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | get_amendment_order_export_in_import_format | GET /import/export/amendmentOrders | Get amendment orders in import CSV format |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | get_available_schemas | GET /import/schemas | Return available schemas |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | get_catalog_data_in_import_format | GET /import/export/catalog | Get catalog data for export |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | get_data_import_by_id | GET /import/{importId} | Gets an import item |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | get_data_imports | GET /import | Gets all import items |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | get_import_result1 | GET /import/{importId}/result | Get import details |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | get_new_order_export_in_import_format | GET /import/export/newOrders | Get new orders in import CSV format |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | process_import | PUT /import/{importId}/process | Process an import by ID |
SubskribeDevClient::ImportApi | validate_multi_part_file_import | POST /import | Validate import file |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | add_integration | POST /anrok | Add a Anrok integration |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | add_integration1 | POST /taxjar | Add a TaxJar integration |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | authorization_code_callback | GET /hubspot | Handle HubSpot authorization code |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | authorization_code_callback1 | GET /sfdc | Callback for the authorization code |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | complete_integration | GET /docusign | Complete Docusign integration |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | delete_integration | DELETE /docusign | Delete Docusign integration |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | delete_integration1 | DELETE /hubspot | Delete HubSpot Integration |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | delete_integration2 | DELETE /sfdc | Delete Salesforce integration |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | get_account_by_id | GET /sfdc/account/{id} | Get Salesforce account |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | get_accounts_by_name | GET /sfdc/account | Get Salesforce accounts |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | get_integration | GET /anrok/{integrationId} | Get integration details |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | get_integration1 | GET /avalara/{integrationId} | Gets Avalara integration details |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | get_integration2 | GET /taxjar/{integrationId} | Get integration details |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | get_integration_by_tenant | GET /avalara | Gets Avalara integration details |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | get_opportunities_by_account_id | GET /sfdc/opportunity | Get Salesforce opportunities |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | import_account | POST /sfdc/account | Import account from Salesforce |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | initiate_integration | POST /docusign | Create Docusign integration |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | initiate_integration1 | POST /hubspot | Initiate a HubSpot integration |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | initiate_integration2 | POST /sfdc | Initiate integration with Salesforce |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | integrate | POST /avalara | Create an Avalara integration |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | ping | PUT /avalara/ping | Pings Avalara |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | setup_hub_spot | POST /hubspot/setup | Add custom properties to HubSpot |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | sync_account_to_salesforce | PUT /sfdc/syncAccount/{id} | Sync an account to Salesforce |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | sync_deleted_orders_to_salesforce | PUT /sfdc/syncDeletedOrders | Sync orders to Salesforce |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | sync_esign_details_for_order_to_hub_spot | POST /hubspot/esign/{orderId} | Sync esign details for order id |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | sync_order_to_salesforce | PUT /sfdc/sync/{id} | Sync order to Salesforce |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | sync_orders_to_salesforce | PUT /sfdc/syncOrders | Sync orders to Salesforce |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | sync_tenant_to_salesforce | PUT /sfdc/syncTenant | Sync whole tenant to Salesforce in a paginated fashion |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | test_integration | PUT /anrok/test | Test an integration is valid |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | test_integration1 | PUT /taxjar/test | Test an integration is valid |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | update_primary_order_id_for_opportunity | PUT /sfdc/order/{id} | Make an order primary |
SubskribeDevClient::IntegrationsApi | verify_setup | POST /hubspot/setup/verify | Verify HubSpot setup |
SubskribeDevClient::MetricsReportingApi | add_external_arr_metrics | POST /metricsReporting/externalArrMetrics | submit request to generate external arr metrics |
SubskribeDevClient::MetricsReportingApi | get_external_arr_metrics | GET /metricsReporting/externalArrMetrics/{id} | gets external arr metrics request for the provided id |
SubskribeDevClient::MetricsReportingApi | get_external_arr_metrics1 | GET /metricsReporting/externalArrMetrics | gets external arr metrics requests submitted |
SubskribeDevClient::MetricsReportingApi | populate_arr_metrics_for_subscription | PUT /metricsReporting/populateArrMetrics/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} | submit request to generate/regenerate arr metrics for a subscription |
SubskribeDevClient::NotificationsApi | add_target_and_events_subscriptions | POST /notifications | Add a notification target |
SubskribeDevClient::NotificationsApi | get_all_notification_subscriptions_for_tenant | GET /notifications | Get all notifications |
SubskribeDevClient::NotificationsApi | subscribe_existing_notification_target_to_event | POST /notifications/{notificationId} | Attach an event to a notification |
SubskribeDevClient::NotificationsApi | unsubscribe_target_or_event | POST /notifications/unsubscribe/{notificationId} | Unsubscribe from an event |
SubskribeDevClient::OpportunityApi | create_opportunity | POST /opportunity | Creates a standalone opportunity |
SubskribeDevClient::OpportunityApi | reset_opportunity_closed_state | POST /opportunity/{id}/open | Opens an opportunity |
SubskribeDevClient::OpportunityApi | update_opportunity | PUT /opportunity/{id} | Updates a standalone opportunity |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | add_document_template | POST /templates | Add new predefined terms |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | add_order | POST /orders | Create an order |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | create_composite_order_document | POST /compositeOrders/{id}/pdf | Generate a composite order PDF |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | create_order_document | POST /orders/{id}/pdf | Generate an order PDF |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | delete_document_template | DELETE /templates/{id} | Delete predefined terms |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | delete_order | DELETE /orders/{id} | Delete an order |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | execute_order | PUT /orders/{id}/execute | Mark order as executed |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | force_execute_order | PUT /orders/{id}/execute/force | Mark order as executed |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_composite_order_document | GET /compositeOrders/{id}/pdf | Fetch composite order form PDF |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_document_template | GET /templates/{id} | Get predefined terms detail |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_document_templates | GET /templates | Get predefined terms |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_opportunities | GET /opportunity | Return all opportunities |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_opportunity_by_crm_opportunity_id | GET /opportunity/{id} | Return details of an opportunity |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_order | GET /orders/{id} | Get order details |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_order_document1 | GET /orders/{id}/pdf | Fetch order form PDF |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_order_document_doc | GET /orders/{id}/doc | Download word doc version of order form |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_order_line_metrics | GET /orders/{id}/lineItems/metrics | Get order line metrics |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_order_metrics | GET /orders/{id}/metrics | Get order metrics |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_orders | GET /orders | Get all Orders |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | get_orders_by_crm_opportunity_id | GET /opportunity/crm/{id}/orders | Return a list of orders associated with a CRM opportunity id |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | rebase_amendment | PUT /orders/{orderId}/rebase | Mark order as executed |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | update_document_template | PUT /templates/{id} | Update predefined terms |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | update_document_template_status | PUT /templates/{id}/status/{status} | Update predefined terms status |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | update_order | PUT /orders | Update order details |
SubskribeDevClient::OrdersApi | update_order_status | PUT /orders/{id}/status/{status} | Update order status |
SubskribeDevClient::PaymentsApi | get_account_payment | GET /payments/account/{id} | Get payments |
SubskribeDevClient::PaymentsApi | get_account_payment_management_link | GET /payments/account-payment/{id} | Get account payment management link |
SubskribeDevClient::PaymentsApi | get_payment | GET /payments/{id} | Get payment details |
SubskribeDevClient::PaymentsApi | get_payment_balance | GET /payments/{id}/balance | Get payment balance |
SubskribeDevClient::PaymentsApi | get_payment_configuration | GET /payments/configuration | Get payment configuration |
SubskribeDevClient::PaymentsApi | get_payments | GET /payments | Get all payments |
SubskribeDevClient::PaymentsApi | update_payment_configuration | POST /payments/configuration | Update payment configuration |
SubskribeDevClient::PaymentsApi | void_payment | PUT /payments/{id}/void | Voids a payment |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | activate_plan | PUT /plans/{planId}/activate | Activate a plan |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | add_charge | POST /plans/{planId}/charges | Add charge to plan |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | add_percent_of_plan_relationship | POST /plans/relationships/percentOf | Create percent of relationship |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | add_plan | POST /plans | Create a plan |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | add_product | POST /products | Create a product |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | add_product_category | POST /product/categories | Create a product category |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | deactivate_plan | PUT /plans/{planId}/revertToDraft | Revert a plan to draft |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | delete_catalog_relationship_by_id | DELETE /plans/relationships/{relationshipId} | Delete a catalog relationship |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | delete_charge | DELETE /plans/{planId}/charges/{chargeId} | Delete a charge |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | delete_plan | DELETE /plans/{planId} | Delete a plan |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | delete_product | DELETE /products/{id} | Delete a product |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | delete_product_category | DELETE /product/categories/{id} | Delete a product category |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | deprecate_plan | PUT /plans/{planId}/deprecate | Deprecate a plan |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | duplicate_plan | POST /plans/{planId}/duplicate | Duplicate a plan |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | export_product_catalog | GET /products/export | Export product catalog |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_catalog_relationship_by_id | GET /plans/relationships/{relationshipId} | Get relationship details |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_charge | GET /plans/{planId}/charges/{chargeId} | Get charge details |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_charge_ledger_accounts | GET /plans/{planId}/charges/{chargeId}/ledgerAccounts | Get ledger accounts |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_percent_of_relationships | GET /plans/relationships/percentOf | Get percent of relationships for a plan |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_plan | GET /plans/{planId} | Get plan details |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_plans | GET /plans | Get plans |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_product | GET /products/{id} | Get product details. |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_product_categories | GET /product/categories | Get product Categories |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_product_category | GET /product/categories/{id} | Get product category details |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_products | GET /products | Get products |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | get_target_plans_for_percent_of_plan_id | GET /plans/relationships/percentOf/{planId} | Get percent of target plans |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | map_ledger_accounts_to_charge | PUT /plans/{planId}/charges/{chargeId}/ledgerAccounts | Map ledger accounts |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | patch_charge | PUT /plans/{planId}/charges/{chargeId}/partial | Update non-financial charge details |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | reactivate_plan | PUT /plans/{planId}/reactivate | Reactivate a plan |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | update_charge | PUT /plans/{planId}/charges/{chargeId} | Update charge details |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | update_plan | PUT /plans/{planId} | Update plan |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | update_plan_metadata | PUT /plans/{planId}/metadata | Update plan metadata |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | update_product | PUT /products/{id} | Update product details |
SubskribeDevClient::ProductCatalogApi | update_product_category | PUT /product/categories/{id} | Update product category details |
SubskribeDevClient::RateCardApi | get_price_attributes_csv | GET /ratecards/attributes/csv | Fetch the price attributes defined in the system in CSV format |
SubskribeDevClient::RefundsApi | create_and_apply_refund | POST /refunds | Create and apply refund |
SubskribeDevClient::RefundsApi | get_refund_by_id | GET /refunds/{id} | Get refund details |
SubskribeDevClient::RefundsApi | get_refunds | GET /refunds | Get refunds |
SubskribeDevClient::ReportsApi | generate | POST /reports/generate | Generate a report |
SubskribeDevClient::ReportsApi | get_predefined_report_defs | GET /reports | Get report definitions |
SubskribeDevClient::ReportsApi | get_report_output | GET /reports/{reportRunId}/result | Run a generated report |
SubskribeDevClient::ReportsApi | run | POST /reports/run | Run a report |
SubskribeDevClient::RevenueRecognitionApi | add_recognition_rule | POST /revrec/rules | Create a revenue recognition rule |
SubskribeDevClient::RevenueRecognitionApi | create_recognition_event | POST /revrec/events | Create a revenue recognition event |
SubskribeDevClient::RevenueRecognitionApi | delete_rule | DELETE /revrec/rules/{ruleId} | Delete a recognition rule |
SubskribeDevClient::RevenueRecognitionApi | get_recognition_events_by_subscription_id_charge_id | GET /revrec/events | Get revenue recognition events |
SubskribeDevClient::RevenueRecognitionApi | get_recognition_rule_by_id | GET /revrec/rules/{id} | Get revenue recognition rule |
SubskribeDevClient::RevenueRecognitionApi | get_recognition_rule_by_id1 | GET /revrec/rules | Get revenue recognition rules |
SubskribeDevClient::RevenueRecognitionApi | get_revenue_waterfall | GET /revrec/waterfall | Download waterfall report |
SubskribeDevClient::RevenueRecognitionApi | get_revenue_waterfall_report_v2 | GET /revrec/waterfall/v2 | Download waterfall report |
SubskribeDevClient::RevenueRecognitionApi | upload_completion_events | POST /revrec/events/upload | Upload revenue events |
SubskribeDevClient::SalesRoomApi | get_order_document2 | GET /salesroom/{linkId}/pdf | Fetch order form PDF for a Sales Room |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | activate_unit_of_measure | POST /unitsOfMeasure/{id}/activate | Activate unit of measure |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | add_tax_rate | POST /taxrates | Add tax rate |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | add_term_section | POST /termsections | Add predefined terms section |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | add_unit_of_measure | POST /unitsOfMeasure | Add unit of measure |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | delete_tax_rate | DELETE /taxrates/{id} | Delete tax rate |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | delete_term_section | DELETE /termsections/{id} | Delete predefined terms section |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | delete_unit_of_measure | DELETE /unitsOfMeasure/{id} | Delete unit of measure |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | deprecate_unit_of_measure | POST /unitsOfMeasure/{id}/deprecate | Deprecate unit of measure |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_payment_term_settings | GET /settings/paymentTerms | Get payment term settings |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_supported_currencies | GET /settings/supportedCurrencies | Get supported currencies |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_tax_rate | GET /taxrates/{id} | Get tax rate by Id |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_tax_rates | GET /taxrates | Get tax rates |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_tenant | GET /tenants | Get tenant details |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_tenant_logo | GET /tenants/logo | Get tenant logo |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_tenant_setting | GET /settings | Get tenant settings |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_term_section | GET /termsections/{id} | Get predefined terms section detail |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_term_sections | GET /termsections | Get predefined terms sections |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | get_units_of_measure | GET /unitsOfMeasure | Get units of measure |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | update_payment_term_settings | PUT /settings/paymentTerms | Update payment term settings |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | update_supported_currencies | PUT /settings/supportedCurrencies | Update supported currencies |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | update_tax_rate | PUT /taxrates/{id} | Update tax rate |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | update_tenant | PUT /tenants | Update tenant details |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | update_tenant_setting | PUT /settings | Update tenant settings |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | update_term_section | PUT /termsections/{id} | Update predefined terms section |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | update_unit_of_measure | PUT /unitsOfMeasure/{id} | Update unit of measure |
SubskribeDevClient::SettingsApi | upload_tenant_logo | PUT /tenants/logo | Update tenant logo |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | delete_subscription | DELETE /subscriptions/{id}/{version} | Delete subscription |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | get_subscription_billing_periods | GET /subscriptions/{id}/billingPeriods | Get billing periods |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | get_subscription_by_id | GET /subscriptions/{id} | Get subscription details |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | get_subscription_metrics | GET /subscriptions/{id}/metrics | Get subscription metrics |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | get_subscriptions | GET /subscriptions | Get paginated subscriptions |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | revert_subscription | PUT /subscriptions/{id}/{version}/revert | Revert subscription |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | subscription_modifiable | GET /subscriptions/{id}/modifiable | Subscription can be modified |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | subscription_reversible | GET /subscriptions/{id}/reversible | Subscription can be reverted |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | update_renewal_opportunity | POST /subscriptions/{id}/renewalOpportunity | Link renewal opportunity to subscription |
SubskribeDevClient::SubscriptionsApi | update_subscription | PUT /subscriptions/{id} | Update subscription details |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | add_and_apply_bulk_payments_csv | POST /settlements/addAndApplyPaymentsInBulk/csv | Add and apply bulk payments to invoices CSV |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | add_usage | POST /v2/usage | Add usage record |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | get_usage_aggregates_for_subscription | GET /v2/usage/{subscriptionId} | Get aggregated usage |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | get_usage_arrival_time_checkpoint | GET /v2/usage/aggregate/usageArrivalTimeCheckpoint | Get usage arrival checkpoint |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | get_usage_stats_for_all_subscriptions | GET /v2/usage/stats | Get all prepaid drawdown usage stats |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | get_usage_stats_for_all_subscriptions_csv | GET /v2/usage/stats/csv | Get all prepaid drawdown usage stats CSV |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | get_usage_stats_for_subscription | GET /v2/usage/stats/{subscriptionId} | Get prepaid drawdown usage stats for subscription |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | get_usage_stats_for_subscription_csv | GET /v2/usage/stats/{subscriptionId}/csv | Get prepaid drawdown usage stats CSV |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | get_usage_stats_for_subscription_pdf | GET /v2/usage/stats/{subscriptionId}/pdf | Get prepaid drawdown usage stats PDF |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | perform_on_demand_usage_aggregation | PUT /v2/usage/aggregate | Aggregate raw usage |
SubskribeDevClient::UsageApi | upload_subscription_usage_csv | POST /v2/usage/csv | Upload usage record CSV |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | accept_terms_for_current_user | POST /users/terms-and-conditions | Accept terms and conditions |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | add_user | POST /users | Add a new user |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | add_user_group | POST /userGroups | Add user group |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | delete_user_group | DELETE /userGroups/{userGroupId} | Delete user group |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | disable_user | PUT /users/disable/{id} | Disable user |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | enable_user | PUT /users/enable/{id} | Enable user |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | get_user | GET /users/{id} | Get user by Id |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | get_user_group | GET /userGroups/{userGroupId} | Get user group |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | get_user_groups | GET /userGroups | Get user groups |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | get_users | GET /users | Get users list |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | resend_email_for_existing_user | POST /users/resend-email/{email} | Resend welcome email |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | update_user | PUT /users/{id} | Update user |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | update_user_group | PUT /userGroups | Update user group |
SubskribeDevClient::UsersApi | upload_csv | POST /users/upload | Bulk user upload |