= flickr-fu
== Contact
Author: Ben Wyrosdick
Email: ben [at] commonthread.com
Lighthouse: http://commonthread.lighthouseapp.com/projects/12069-flickr_fu/overview
Main Repository: http://github.com/commonthread/flickr_fu/tree/master
== Getting Started
You need to first get an API key as detailed here:
== Installation
sudo gem install flickr-fu
== Documentation
RDoc Documentation can be found here:
== Authorization
To authorise your application to access Flickr using your API key you will
need to access a specific URL.
To generate this URL run the following and when presented with the URL
access it from your browser. Confirm the application has permission at
the level you have specified.
Finally, cache the token (this will create the token cache file)
If you have an invalid API key you will see errors such as:
"100: Invalid API Key"
If you don't follow the process below to authorise your application
you will see errors such as:
"98: Login failed / Invalid auth token" or
"99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions"
== Authorization Example
require 'flickr_fu'
flickr = Flickr.new('flickr.yml')
puts "visit the following url, then click once you have authorized:"
request write permissions
puts flickr.auth.url(:write)
== Search Example
require 'flickr_fu'
flickr = Flickr.new('flickr.yml')
photos = flickr.photos.search(:tags => 'ruby-flickr')
puts "found #{photos.size} photo(s)"
photos.each do |photo|
puts photo.title
puts photo.description unless [nil, ''].include?(photo.description)
[:square, :thumbnail, :small, :medium, :large, :original].each do |size|
puts "#{size}: #{photo.url(size)}"
puts "comments: #{photo.comments.size}"
photo.comments.each do |comment|
intro = "#{comment.author_name} says - "
puts "#{intro}"#{comment.comment.gsub("\n", "\n"+(" "*intro.length))}""
puts "notes: #{photo.notes.size}"
photo.notes.each do |note|
puts "[#{note.x},#{note.y} ~ #{note.width}x#{note.height}] - "#{note.note}""
== Another Search Example
If searching for photos by user id then you need to specify the 'alias' - without
intervention this is usually set by Flickr and is an alphanumeric string.
To find out the user id for a given user, you can use the tool at:
And replace the line in the above sample to query on user id:
photos = flickr.photos.search(:user_id => 'your_user_id_here')
== Patch Contributers
Chris Ledet
Maciej Biłas
Mike Perham
Chris Anderton