README for Trading Chart Service
App Functionalities
- Reads tick data from binance data stream
- Aggregates this data into OHLC Candlesticks with timeframe of 1 minute
- Serves a GRPC server
- Broadcasts the current symbol Candlestick bar to its subscribers
- Stores complete Candlestick bars in a Postgres database
Start Here
1. Run the App
To run the app, use the command:
docker-compose up
2. Use grpcurl to Query the gRPC Server
Note: Below commands have been tested with bash. Might need to format for other terminals.
List Available Methods
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 list candlestick.CandlestickService
Describe Available Methods
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 describe candlestick.CandlestickService.SubscribeToCandlesticks
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 describe candlestick.CandlestickService.UnsubscribeFromCandlesticks
3. Start Testing gRPC Server
For testing, set ENV_ISDEVMODE=true
in docker-compose.yaml
. The subscriber_id
would then be set using a counter, meaning the first subscriber will have the ID 1, the second subscriber will have the id 2, etc.
To subscribe to a single or multiple symbols
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"symbols": ["BTCUSDT", "ETHUSDT", "PEPEUSDT"]}' localhost:50051 candlestick.CandlestickService.SubscribeToCandlesticks
To unsubscribe from specific symbol(s)
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"symbols": ["BTCUSDT", "ETHUSDT"], "subscriber_id": 1}' localhost:50051 candlestick.CandlestickService.UnsubscribeFromCandlesticks
To unsubscribe from all symbols
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"subscriber_id": 1}' localhost:50051 candlestick.CandlestickService.UnsubscribeFromCandlesticks