A Minipass stream that calls a flush function before emitting 'end'
the stream module from node core for browsers
Clone a Node.js HTTP response stream
Web Streams, based on the WHATWG spec reference implementation
A Minipass stream that raises an error if you get a different number of bytes than expected
An evented streaming XML parser in JavaScript
Streaming http in the browser
split a Text Stream into a Line Stream
Extremely fast utf8 only stream implementation
a streaming CRC32 checksumer
Returns a `stream.Readable` from a URI string
Play back HLS and DASH with Video.js, even where it's not natively supported
Simplest way to make http get requests. Supports HTTPS, redirects, gzip/deflate, streams in < 100 lines.
Super-minimalist version of `concat-stream`. Less than 15 lines!
A collection of utilities for async iterables. Designed to replace your streams.
Recursive fs.readdir with streaming API and glob filtering.
streaming unbzip2 implementation in pure javascript for node and browsers
A streaming way to send data to a Node.js Worker Thread
A write stream constructor that supports a flush function that is called before finish is emitted
Write data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists and creating any intermediate directories if they don't already exist. Thin wrapper around node's native fs methods.
a collection of useful streams
Merge multiple streams into a unified stream
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Iterate all the data in a stream
Streaming text decoder that preserves multibyte Unicode characters
Get an event when you're being sent data or asked for it.
Like `fs.createWriteStream(...)`, but atomic.
Convert a value to a ReadableStream