A `<sp-dropzone>` is an area on the screen into which an object can be dragged and dropped to accomplish a task. For example, a DropZone might be used in an upload workflow to enable the user to drop a file from their operating system into the DropZone, w
Block Drag & Drop Plugin for DraftJS
An optional package for Pragmatic drag and drop containing react components to assist with setting up accessible experiences
Angular Library for uploading files with Real-Time Progress bar, File Preview, Drag && Drop and Custom Template with Multi Language support
fork from https://www.npmjs.com/package/drag-drop-touch-polyfill ES5 compiled ready for react-builds run
Make your React components sortable.
The excellent drag-n-drop email editor by [Unlayer](https://unlayer.com/embed) as a [Angular](https://angular.io/) _wrapper component_. This is the most powerful and developer friendly visual email builder for your app.
Full-sized drag & drop event calendar with resource & timeline views
A complete form builder for react.
[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/react-upload-gallery.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-upload-gallery) [![license](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/react-upload-gallery.svg)](LICENSE) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/m-inan/react-upload-gal
Angular File Upload UI Widget β Lightweight & supports: drag and drop, multiple uploads, image cropping, customization & more π Comes with Cloud Storage π
simple drag&drop component for vue 3.x
Drag and drop sort control for react-native
Pdf preview Plugin for FilePond
Simple lisghtweight HTML5 drag-&-drop sorting
Angular File Upload UI Widget β Lightweight & supports: drag and drop, multiple uploads, image cropping, customization & more π Comes with Cloud Storage π
An angular 4 and above component for sorting list supporting drag and drop sort.
Drag and drop so simple it hurts
Handles drag and drop of files for you.
Drag and drop so simple it hurts
[![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/angular2gridster.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/angular2gridster)
angular material file input component supports file drag and drop, and selection with native file picker
This package holds the documentation for Pragmatic drag and drop in one place. It is not intended to be consumed directly by consumers. The package is used by other tools for sharing examples
Angular file uploader is an Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13 + file uploader module with Real-Time Progress Bar, Responsive design, Angular Universal Compatibility and multiple themes which includes Drag and Drop and much more.
Drag and drop s3 file uploader via react-dropzone + react-s3-uploader
This plugin add a drag and droppable list that allows you to sort content type entries.
Vue3 Library Component for dragβnβdrop file uploads with image previews..
Full-sized drag & drop event calendar with resource & timeline views
A component for building file upload fields of any type.
The React Chessboard Library used at ChessOpenings.co.uk. Inspired and adapted from the unmaintained Chessboard.jsx.
Full-sized drag & drop event calendar with resource & timeline views
Reorderable list for React Native applications, powered by Reanimated
Port of Ben Smithett's dragster to ES6. Wraps native dragenter/dragleave to behave like mouse event when hovering over child DOM elements.
Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React
Vue.js drag & drop uploader based on Dropzone.js
Interactive JavaScript Gantt chart/resource booking component
Dropping & uploading files with DraftJS
Add and Sync Builder.io code snippets to an application
Zero dependency layout manager supporting tabs, grids and splitviews
The layout engine for React.