For all those who want to post memes that are just too big and surpass the 8mb free upload limit on discord, this is the app for you!
Automatically converts any video into webm, makes sure its 8mb or less!
How to install(Windows, Linux, MacOS):
- get node.js from here
- get ffmpeg for your platform here, put into $PATH
- run
npm install -g 8mb
- execute anywhere using the
8mb [optional: -preset {preset Index}] [file1] [file2] . . .
Known issues:
- videos with huge resolution (1080p+) and high framerate struggle to encode under 8mb even if less than a few minutes long
- really long videos fail to get under 8mb
How to install(Windows with binaries):
- make a folder in
C:\Program Files
called "DMC", put release binaries and ffmpeg windows full-build executables into C:\Program Files\DMC\
- Add ffmpeg to PATH:
[Win BTN] + R
, type SystemPropertiesAdvanced
, click Environment Variables
, under "User variables for (user)" find variable Path, click on it and edit, in the now open window click new
, and paste C:\Program Files\DMC\
. - If the command
in cmd works, you can now drag and drop files onto the binary and have it work! - to set performance preset, doubleclick the binary