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AEM as a Cloud Service Project Restructuring tool

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aem-cs-source-migration-repository-modernizer provides the capability to restructure existing projects packages into AEM as a CLoud Service compatible packages.


AEM requires a separation of content and code, which means a single content package cannot deploy to both /apps and runtime-writable areas (e.g. /content , /conf , /home , or anything not /apps) of the repository. Instead, the application must separate code and content into discrete packages for deployment into AEM.

Adobe Experience Manager Maven projects to be AEM Cloud Service compatible, need to ensure that

  • they respect the split of mutable and immutable content
  • the requisite dependencies are established to create non-conflicting, deterministic deployments
  • they are packaged in a deployable structure - AEM application deployments must be comprised of a single AEM package. This package should in turn contain sub-packages that comprise everything required by the application to function, including code, configuration and any supporting baseline content.

The objective of this tool is to modernize any given project(s) into AEM Cloud Service compatible structure, by creating the following deployment structure :

  • The ui.apps package, or Code Package, contains all the code to be deployed and only deploys to /apps
  • The ui.config package, or OSGi Configuration Package, contains all OSGi configurations
  • The ui.content package, or Content Package, contains all content and configuration
  • The all package, container package that embeds the core bundles and the ui.apps ,ui.config and ui.content packages

How it works

1. Create base project structure
  • Create the base template for all package analyse package and parent pom.xml file at the root level.
  • If only single project is configured, create the base template for ui.apps, ui.apps.structure, ui.content and ui.config packages at the same level.
  • If multiple projects are configured, create project folders (with the same name as source project) inside which we create the base template for ui.apps,ui.apps.structure, ui.content and ui.config packages.
  • If multiple projects are configured, create a base reactor pom for each project.
  • If sub-projects are configured inside a project, create the base template for ui.apps, ui.apps.structure, ui.content and ui.config for sub-projects as well.
  • Apply the specified groupId, artifactId and version in the newly created artifact pom.xml files.
  • For each project specified in the configuration, copy all packages with the packaging type content-package (other than the packages specified under existingContentPackageFolder) from the source.
  • Copy core bundles as per input configuration and embed them in the all/pom.xml.
2. Separate mutable and immutable content
  • For each project specified in the configuration, traverse the content of the source packages specified under existingContentPackageFolder and separate the mutable and immutable content according to their paths.
  • The separated content are copied over to the project's ui.apps and ui.content packages as applicable.
  • OSGi configuration folders will be renamed as per the input configuration in osgiFoldersToRename.
    • All OSGi config folders under the same path and with same replacement name will be MERGED.
    • If there exists OSGi config files with the same pid/filename in more than one config folders which are to be merged, they will not be overwritten. A warning regrading the same will be generated in the summary report and result log file. User would need to manually evaluate which config to persist.
  • Find and move the OSGi configurations from the ui.apps package to the ui.configs package (under the path /apps/my-app/osgiconfig).
  • As per AEM as a Cloud Service best practice, all OSGi configs (except Repo Init OSGi configs) will be translated to .cfg.json format.

NOTE : Conflicts during the above move operation will be reported and conflicting content needs to be moved over manually.

3. Separate filter paths
  • For each project specified in the configuration, traverse the content of the source packages specified under existingContentPackageFolder and extract the filter paths specified in their filter.xml files.
  • The filter paths are separated into mutable and immutable paths based on their jcr paths. The separated paths are now added to the project's ui.apps and ui.content packages' filter file as applicable.
  • In ui.apps.structure/pom.xml, define the JCR repository roots in which the project’s code sub-packages deploy into (i.e. enumerate the filter root paths present in ui.apps package's filter.xml).
  • Add the filter path to /apps/my-app/osgiconfig in ui.configs package's filter file.
4. Refactor the pom files
  • For each project specified in the configuration, traverse the content of pom files of the source packages specified under existingContentPackageFolder and extract the dependency and plugin info. They will be added to the ui.apps/pom.xml file. NOTE :
    • uber-jar dependencies will be replaced with aem-sdk-api dependencies
    • 3rd party bundle dependencies which are found will be reported, please add 3rd party dependency jar files in the nonadobedependencies directory (which would serve as a local repository for 3rd party bundles). It will be included in the repository section of the parent pom.
  • In ui.apps/pom.xml add the dependency for the ui.apps.structure artifact.
  • In ui.content/pom.xml add the dependency for the ui.apps artifact.
  • In all/pom.xml embed the newly created ui.apps,ui.config and ui.config artifacts for each project.
  • In the parent pom file, add the sub-projects info section, and the repository section for including 3rd party dependencies from local repository.
  • In the parent pom file, add the dependency and plugin info extracted from the source parent pom.
  • Add the parent pom info in the newly created ui.apps/pom.xml, ui.content/pom.xml and ui.config/pom.xml for each project.
  • Scan the core bundles' pom files and replace any uber-jar dependency with aem-sdk-api dependency.


While it is recommended to use this tool via our AIO CLI plugin for source migration (refer to aio-cli-plugin-aem-cloud-service-migration), it can also be executed standalone.


This project uses node and npm. Go check them out if you don't have them locally installed.

It can be installed like any other Node.js module.

$ npm install @adobe/aem-cs-source-migration-repository-modernizer

Adding the Module Requirement

To add the module to your Node.js project:

  1. Install the module in your project.
  2. Add the require function in the module in the javascript file where it will be consumed:
const RepositoryModernizer = require('@adobe/aem-cs-source-migration-repository-modernizer');

How to execute

To execute the repository-modernizer tool locally :

  1. Run git clone to clone the repository locally
  2. Navigate to the repository-modernizer folder
  3. Run npm install to install all the required dependencies
  4. Inside the executors folder:
    • add the required configurations to config.yaml. Refer to Configurations sections bellow to know more.
    • run node repository-modernizer.js to execute the tool
    • target/project/src/ will contain the resulting restructured projects


The repository modernizer expects the following configurations to be specified for execution :

  • groupId : The groupId to be used for newly created artifacts.

  • parentPom : Add the required information about parent pom

    • path : The absolute path to the existing parent pom file.
    • artifactId : The artifactId to be set for the parent pom.
    • appTitle : The application title to be set for the parent pom.
    • version : The version to be set for the parent pom.
  • all : Add the required information for all and analyse packages

    • artifactId : The prefix that is to be used to set the artifactId for the all and analyse packages.
    • appTitle : The application title.
    • version : The version to be set for the all pom.
  • projects : Add the required information about all the projects you want to restructure.

    (NOTE : Expects an array of project details objects.)

    (NOTE : For multiple projects create separate copies of the info section for each project)

    • projectPath : The absolute path to the project folder.

    • existingContentPackageFolder : relative path(s) (w.r.t. the project folder) to the existing content package(s) that needs to be restructured.

      (NOTE : Expects an array of relative paths to existing content packages, NOT bundle/jar artifacts.)

    • relativePathToExistingFilterXml : The relative path (w.r.t. the existing content package folder) to the vault filter.xml file. For example : /src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml

    • relativePathToExistingJcrRoot : The relative path (w.r.t. the existing content package folder) to the jcr_root directory. For example : /src/main/content/jcr_root

    • artifactId : The prefix that is to be used to set the artifactId for all newly created ui.apps and ui.content packages.

    • appTitle : The application title.

    • version : The version used for content packages.

    • appId : The application Id.

    • coreBundles : Array of relative path(s) (w.r.t. the project folder) to the existing code bundles (these bundles will be embedded in the all package).

    • osgiFoldersToRename : OSGi config folders that need to be renamed. The existing/source OSGi config folder PATH (JCR path starting from '/apps') is expected as key, and the replacement OSGi folder NAME is expected as value.

      (NOTE 1 : All OSGi config folders under the same path and with same replacement name will be MERGED.)

      (NOTE 2 : If there exists OSGi config files with the same pid/filename in more than one config folders which are to be merged, they will not be overwritten. A warning regrading the same will be generated in the summary report and result log file. User would need to manually evaluate which config to persist.)


  # groupId to be used for newly created packages
  groupId: com-xyz-aem
  # information about parent pom
    # absolute path to the parent pom file
    path: /Users/{username}/some/path/to/xyz-aem/pom.xml
    # the artifactId to be set for the parent pom
    artifactId: xyz-aem-parent
    # the application title to be set for the parent pom
    appTitle: XYZ-AEM Parent
    # version to be to be set for the parent pom
    version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  # information required for all and analyse packages
    # prefix that is to be used to set the artifactId for all and analyse packages
    artifactId: xyz-aem
    # application title
    appTitle: XYZ-AEM Code Repository
    # version to be set for all pom
    version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  # information about projects (expects an array of project information)
  # NOTE : For multiple projects create separate copies of the info section for each project
    - # absolute path to the XYZ project folder
      projectPath: /Users/{username}/some/path/to/xyz-aem
      # Array of relative path(s) (w.r.t. the project folder) to the existing content package(s) that needs to be restructured.
      # NOTE : only content packages are expected here, NOT bundle/jar artifacts
        - /ui.apps
        - /ui.content
        - /ui.permissions
      # relative path (w.r.t. the existing content package folder) to the filter.xml file
      # (If not specified, default path `/src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml` will be used.)
      # relative path (w.r.t. the existing content package folder) to the jcr_root directory
      # (If not specified, default path `/src/main/content/jcr_root` will be used)
      # prefix that is to be used to set the artifactId for newly created ui.apps and ui.content packages
      artifactId: xyz-content-aem
      # application title
      appTitle: XYZ
      # application ID (will be used for config and package folder names)
      appId: xyz-app
      # project specific version to be used for content packages
      version: 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
      # Array of relative path(s) (w.r.t. the project folder) to the existing code bundles (will be embedded in the all package).
          - /core
          - /api
      # OSGi config folders that need to be renamed.
      # The existing/source OSGi config folder PATH (JCR path starting from '/apps') is expected as key
      # and the replacement OSGi folder NAME is expected as value. See examples below :
      #    /apps/xyz/ :
      #    /apps/system/ :
      #    /apps/system/ :
      # NOTE :
      #    1. All OSGi config folders under the same path and with same replacement name will be MERGED
      #       (as configured in above example).
      #    2. If there exists OSGi config files with the same pid/filename in more than one config folders
      #       which are to be merged, they will not be overwritten. A warning regrading the same will be
      #       generated in the summary report and result log file. User would need to manually evaluate
      #       which config to persist
        - # absolute path to the XYZ sub-project folder
          projectPath: /Users/{username}/some/path/to/xyz-aem/sub-project
          # Array of relative path(s) (w.r.t. the project folder) to the existing content package(s) that needs to be restructured.
          # NOTE : only content packages are expected here, NOT bundle/jar artifacts
            - /ui.apps
            - /ui.content
            - /ui.permissions
          # relative path (w.r.t. the existing content package folder) to the filter.xml file
          # (If not specified, default path `/src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml` will be used.)
          # relative path (w.r.t. the existing content package folder) to the jcr_root directory
          # (If not specified, default path `/src/main/content/jcr_root` will be used)
          # prefix that is to be used to set the artifactId for newly created ui.apps and ui.content packages
          artifactId: xyz-content-aem-sub-project
          # application title
          appTitle: XYZ-SUB-PROJECT
          # application ID (will be used for config and package folder names)
          appId: xyz-app-sub-project
          # project specific version to be used for content packages
          version: 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
          # Array of relative path(s) (w.r.t. the project folder) to the existing code bundles (will be embedded in the all package).
              - /core
              - /api
          # OSGi config folders that need to be renamed.
          # The existing/source OSGi config folder PATH (JCR path starting from '/apps') is expected as key
          # and the replacement OSGi folder NAME is expected as value. See examples below :
          #    /apps/xyz/ :
          #    /apps/system/ :
          #    /apps/system/ :
          # NOTE :
          #    1. All OSGi config folders under the same path and with same replacement name will be MERGED
          #       (as configured in above example).
          #    2. If there exists OSGi config files with the same pid/filename in more than one config folders
          #       which are to be merged, they will not be overwritten. A warning regrading the same will be
          #       generated in the summary report and result log file. User would need to manually evaluate
          #       which config to persist
    - # absolute path to the ABC project folder
      projectPath: /Users/{username}/some/path/to/abc-aem
      # Array of relative path(s) (w.r.t. the project folder) to the existing content package(s) that needs to be restructured.
      # NOTE : only content packages are expected here, NOT bundle/jar artifacts
        - /content
        - /oak-index-definitions
      # relative path (w.r.t. the existing content package folder) to the filter.xml file
      # (If not specified, default path `/src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml` will be used.)
      # relative path (w.r.t. the existing content package folder) to the jcr_root directory
      # (If not specified, default path `/src/main/content/jcr_root` will be used)
      # prefix that is to be used to set the artifactId for newly created ui.apps and ui.content packages
      artifactId: abc-content-aem
      # application title
      appTitle: ABC
      # application ID (will be used for config and package folder names)
      appId: abc-app
      # project specific version to be used for content packages
      version: 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
      # Array of relative path(s) (w.r.t. the project folder) to the existing code bundles (will be embedded in the all package).
         - /core
      # OSGi config folders that need to be renamed.
      # The existing/source OSGi config folder PATH (JCR path starting from '/apps') is expected as key
      # and the replacement OSGi folder NAME is expected as value. See examples below :
      #    /apps/my-appId/ :
      #    /apps/system/ :
      #    /apps/system/ :
      # NOTE :
      #    1. All OSGi config folders under the same path and with same replacement name will be MERGED
      #       (as configured in above example).
      #    2. If there exists OSGi config files with the same pid/filename in more than one config folders
      #       which are to be merged, they will not be overwritten. A warning regrading the same will be
      #       generated in the summary report and result log file. User would need to manually evaluate
      #       which config to persist

Known Limitations

The tool has some known limitations (we are working on fixing them) such as :

  1. It does not make any modifications to existing core bundles, apart from replacing uber-jar dependencies with aem-sdk-api dependencies.
Things that would need to be handled manually :
  • Conflicts arising during moving content to new packages or renaming/merging folders. Check the summary report or result log to view all such conflicts.
  • Missing version info in core bundles will be reported; the version will also need to be added in the dependency section in the all/pom.xml.
  • For core bundles, changes like updating them to use the BND plugin (rather than the old Felix pluigin), translating the Felix bundler directives to BND directives need to be done manually.
  • 3rd party dependency bundles will be reported, their jar files need to be placed in the nonadobedependencies directory which will serve as a local repository.


Contributions are welcomed! Refer to Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. Refer to LICENSE for more information.


Package last updated on 06 Oct 2021

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