What is @antfu/ni?
@antfu/ni is a command-line tool that provides a unified interface for package managers like npm, yarn, and pnpm. It simplifies the process of managing dependencies by automatically detecting the package manager used in a project and running the appropriate commands.
What are @antfu/ni's main functionalities?
Install Dependencies
The `ni` command installs dependencies in the current project. It automatically detects the package manager used (npm, yarn, or pnpm) and runs the corresponding install command.
Add a Dependency
The `ni <package>` command adds a new dependency to the project. It detects the package manager and runs the appropriate command to add the specified package.
ni axios
Remove a Dependency
The `nr <package>` command removes a dependency from the project. It detects the package manager and runs the appropriate command to remove the specified package.
nr axios
Upgrade Dependencies
The `nu` command upgrades all dependencies in the project. It detects the package manager and runs the appropriate command to upgrade the dependencies.
Run Scripts
The `ni run <script>` command runs a script defined in the project's package.json file. It detects the package manager and runs the appropriate command to execute the script.
ni run build
Other packages similar to @antfu/ni
npm is the default package manager for Node.js. It provides a wide range of commands for managing dependencies, running scripts, and more. Unlike @antfu/ni, npm does not automatically detect other package managers.
Yarn is a fast, reliable, and secure dependency management tool. It offers similar functionalities to npm but with a focus on speed and reliability. Yarn does not provide a unified interface for other package managers like @antfu/ni.
pnpm is a fast, disk space-efficient package manager. It uses a unique symlink-based approach to manage dependencies. Like npm and yarn, pnpm does not offer a unified interface for other package managers.
npm i
in a yarn project, again? F**k!
ni - use the right package manager
npm i -g @antfu/ni
npm · yarn · pnpm · bun
- install
ni vite
ni @types/node -D
ni -P
ni --frozen
ni -g eslint
ni -i
- run
nr dev --port=3000
nr -
nr --completion >> ~/.bashrc
- download & execute
nlx vitest
- upgrade
nu -i
- uninstall
nun webpack
nun -m
nun -g silent
- clean install
if the corresponding node manager is not present, this command will install it globally along the way.
- agent alias
na run foo
Global Flags
ni vite ?
ni -C packages/foo vite
nr -C playground dev
ni -v
ni -h
export NI_CONFIG_FILE="$HOME/.config/ni/nirc"
export NI_DEFAULT_AGENT="npm"
export NI_GLOBAL_AGENT="npm"
# for Windows
# custom configuration file path in PowerShell accessible within the `$profile` path
$Env:NI_CONFIG_FILE = 'C:\to\your\config\location'
You can also install ni via the 3rd-party asdf-plugin maintained by CanRau
asdf plugin add ni https://github.com/CanRau/asdf-ni.git
asdf install ni latest
asdf global ni latest
ni assumes that you work with lockfiles (and you should)
Before it runs, it will detect your yarn.lock
/ pnpm-lock.yaml
/ package-lock.json
/ bun.lockb
to know current package manager (or packageManager
field in your packages.json if specified), and runs the corresponding commands.
Trouble shooting
Conflicts with PowerShell
PowerShell comes with a built-in alias ni
for the New-Item
cmdlet. To remove the alias in your current PowerShell session in favor of this package, use the following command:
'Remove-Item Alias:ni -Force -ErrorAction Ignore'
If you want to persist the changes, you can add them to your PowerShell profile. The profile path is accessible within the $profile
variable. The ps1 profile file can normally be found at
- PowerShell 5 (Windows PowerShell):
- PowerShell 7:
- VSCode:
You can use the following script to remove the alias at shell start by adding the above command to your profile:
if (-not (Test-Path $profile)) {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path (Split-Path $profile) -Force -Name (Split-Path $profile -Leaf)
$profileEntry = 'Remove-Item Alias:ni -Force -ErrorAction Ignore'
$profileContent = Get-Content $profile
if ($profileContent -notcontains $profileEntry) {
("`n" + $profileEntry) | Out-File $profile -Append -Force -Encoding UTF8
and nix
is no longer available
We renamed nx
to nlx
to avoid conflicts with the other existing tools - nx and nix. You can always alias them back on your shell configuration file (.zshrc
, .bashrc
, etc).
alias nx="nlx"
alias nix="nlx"