Awell SDK (JavaScript)
A JavaScript SDK built with The SDK is auto-generated and should make calling Awell's API easier if if you are on a JavaScript stack.
The SDK can translates JavaScript code into GraphQL queries, enabling auto completion and validation for the GraphQL queries. Additional benefits:
- Type safe
- Only generate the client once, only when the schema changes and not every time a query is changed
- No runtime dependencies (not even graphql)
For Awell
- Review
- Create NPM package (see ""Installation)" so the package can be used as desribed in "Usage"
Generate the SDK client
Run yarn generate-sdk
Note: make sure environment variables in .env
are set.
For users
yarn add @awell-health/awell-sdk
Learn more here.
Remember to always call the SDK on the server to keep your API key secure.
import { AwellSdk } from '@awell-health/awell-sdk'
const sdk = new AwellSdk({
environment: 'production-eu',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
publishedPathwayDefinitions: {
publishedPathwayDefinitions: {
id: true,
title: true,
version: true,
release_id: true,