Awell SDK
The Awell SDK provides convenient access to Awell's APIs and webhooks from applications written in server-side JavaScript. The SDK also exports all of our GraphQL types.
Install the package with:
npm install @awell-health/awell-sdk
# or
yarn add @awell-health/awell-sdk
Learn more about the syntax of the SDK here.
Remember to always call the SDK on the server to keep your API key secure.
import { AwellSdk } from '@awell-health/awell-sdk'
const sdk = new AwellSdk({
environment: 'production-eu',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
const result = await sdk.orchestration.query({
publishedPathwayDefinitions: {
publishedPathwayDefinitions: {
id: true,
title: true,
version: true,
release_id: true,
const definitions =
Browse all types here or use our GraphQL playground to browse the GraphQL schema.
Types can be imported as follows:
import { type Pathway, type Form } from '@awell-health/awell-sdk'
import {
type WebhookEvent,
type WebhookPayload
} from '@awell-health/awell-sdk'
const PUBLIC_KEY = 'your_public_key'
express.json({ type: 'application/json' }),
(request, response) => {
const signature = req.headers['x-awell-signature'] as string;
const requestBody = request.body as WebhookPayload
const sdk = new AwellSdk({
environment: 'production-eu',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
const isValid = sdk.webhooks.verify(
if (isValid) {
const { event } = requestBody
switch (event.event_type) {
case WebhookEvent.PATHWAY_STARTED: {
const pathway = event?.pathway
console.log(`Unhandled event type ${event.event_type}`)
response.json({ received: true })
The SDK can be initialized with the following options:
const sdk = new AwellSdk({
environment: 'sandbox',
apiUrl: '',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
Option | Required | Description |
environment | No* | The Awell environment to use for the SDK. The SDK will automatically target the correct endpoint for the environment you specified. Following options are allowed: development | staging | sandbox | production-eu | production-us | production-uk |
apiUrl | No* | The API URL. Takes presedence over the "environment" when both are specified. |
apiKey | Yes | The API key to use for authentication. |
* The SDK will throw an error if neither environment nor apiUrl is provided.
More information
You can browse our Developer Hub to learn more about all queries and mutations. Everything documented on the Developer Hub is available through the SDK.
The Get patient query as documented on the Developer Hub can be used as follows:
const res = await sdk.orchestration.query({
patient: {
__args: {
id: 'some_patient_id',
patient: {
id: true,
profile: {
__scalar: true,
identifier: {
__scalar: true,
address: {
street: true,
city: true,
zip: true,
state: true,
country: true,