Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Construct Library

The APIs of higher level constructs in this module are in developer preview before they
become stable. We will only make breaking changes to address unforeseen API issues. Therefore,
these APIs are not subject to Semantic Versioning, and breaking changes
will be announced in release notes. This means that while you may use them, you may need to
update your source code when upgrading to a newer version of this package.
Amazon EventBridge Scheduler is a feature from Amazon EventBridge
that allows you to create, run, and manage scheduled tasks at scale. With EventBridge Scheduler, you can schedule millions of one-time or recurring tasks across various AWS services without provisioning or managing underlying infrastructure.
This library contains integration classes for Amazon EventBridge Scheduler to call any
number of supported AWS Services.
The following targets are supported:
: Invoke an AWS Lambda functiontargets.StepFunctionsStartExecution
: Start an AWS Step Functiontargets.CodeBuildStartBuild
: Start a CodeBuild jobtargets.SqsSendMessage
: Send a Message to an Amazon SQS Queuetargets.SnsPublish
: Publish messages to an Amazon SNS topictargets.EventBridgePutEvents
: Put Events on EventBridgetargets.InspectorStartAssessmentRun
: Start an Amazon Inspector assessment runtargets.KinesisStreamPutRecord
: Put a record to an Amazon Kinesis Data Streamtargets.KinesisDataFirehosePutRecord
: Put a record to a Kinesis Data Firehosetargets.CodePipelineStartPipelineExecution
: Start a CodePipeline executiontargets.SageMakerStartPipelineExecution
: Start a SageMaker pipeline execution
Invoke a Lambda function
Use the LambdaInvoke
target to invoke a lambda function.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with a Lambda function as a target
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler with a custom payload. You can optionally attach a
dead letter queue.
import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';
const fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunc', {
runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_LATEST,
handler: 'index.handler',
code: lambda.Code.fromInline(`exports.handler = handler.toString()`),
const dlq = new sqs.Queue(this, "DLQ", {
queueName: 'MyDLQ',
const target = new targets.LambdaInvoke(fn, {
deadLetterQueue: dlq,
maxEventAge: Duration.minutes(1),
retryAttempts: 3,
input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject({
'payload': 'useful'
const schedule = new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.hours(1)),
Start an AWS Step Function
Use the StepFunctionsStartExecution
target to start a new execution on a StepFunction.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with a Step Function as a target
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler with a custom payload.
import * as sfn from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions';
import * as tasks from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions-tasks';
const payload = {
Name: "MyParameter",
Value: '🌥️',
const putParameterStep = new tasks.CallAwsService(this, 'PutParameter', {
service: 'ssm',
action: 'putParameter',
iamResources: ['*'],
parameters: {
"Name.$": '$.Name',
"Value.$": '$.Value',
Type: 'String',
Overwrite: true,
const stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(this, 'StateMachine', {
definitionBody: sfn.DefinitionBody.fromChainable(putParameterStep)
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.hours(1)),
target: new targets.StepFunctionsStartExecution(stateMachine, {
input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject(payload),
Start a CodeBuild job
Use the CodeBuildStartBuild
target to start a new build run on a CodeBuild project.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with a CodeBuild project as target which is
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler.
import * as codebuild from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-codebuild';
declare const project: codebuild.Project;
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.minutes(60)),
target: new targets.CodeBuildStartBuild(project),
Send a Message To an SQS Queue
Use the SqsSendMessage
target to send a message to an SQS Queue.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with an SQS Queue as a target
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler with a custom payload.
Contains the messageGroupId
to use when the target is a FIFO queue. If you specify
a FIFO queue as a target, the queue must have content-based deduplication enabled.
const payload = 'test';
const messageGroupId = 'id';
const queue = new sqs.Queue(this, 'MyQueue', {
fifo: true,
contentBasedDeduplication: true,
const target = new targets.SqsSendMessage(queue, {
input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromText(payload),
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.minutes(1)),
Publish messages to an Amazon SNS topic
Use the SnsPublish
target to publish messages to an Amazon SNS topic.
The code snippets below create an event rule with a Amazon SNS topic as a target.
It's called every hour by Amazon EventBridge Scheduler with a custom payload.
import * as sns from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns';
const topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'Topic');
const payload = {
message: 'Hello scheduler!',
const target = new targets.SnsPublish(topic, {
input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject(payload),
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.hours(1)),
Send events to an EventBridge event bus
Use the EventBridgePutEvents
target to send events to an EventBridge event bus.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with an EventBridge event bus as a target
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler with a custom event payload.
import * as events from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-events';
const eventBus = new events.EventBus(this, 'EventBus', {
eventBusName: 'DomainEvents',
const eventEntry: targets.EventBridgePutEventsEntry = {
source: 'PetService',
detail: ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject({ Name: 'Fluffy' }),
detailType: '🐶',
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.hours(1)),
target: new targets.EventBridgePutEvents(eventEntry),
Start an Amazon Inspector assessment run
Use the InspectorStartAssessmentRun
target to start an Inspector assessment run.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with an assessment template as the target which is
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler.
import * as inspector from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-inspector';
declare const assessmentTemplate: inspector.CfnAssessmentTemplate;
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.minutes(60)),
target: new targets.InspectorStartAssessmentRun(assessmentTemplate),
Put a record to an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream
Use the KinesisStreamPutRecord
target to put a record to an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with a stream as the target which is
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler.
import * as kinesis from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-kinesis';
const stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, 'MyStream');
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.minutes(60)),
target: new targets.KinesisStreamPutRecord(stream, {
partitionKey: 'key',
Put a record to a Kinesis Data Firehose
Use the KinesisDataFirehosePutRecord
target to put a record to a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with a delivery stream as a target
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler with a custom payload.
import * as firehose from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesisfirehose-alpha';
declare const deliveryStream: firehose.IDeliveryStream;
const payload = {
Data: "record",
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.minutes(60)),
target: new targets.KinesisDataFirehosePutRecord(deliveryStream, {
input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject(payload),
Start a CodePipeline execution
Use the CodePipelineStartPipelineExecution
target to start a new execution for a CodePipeline pipeline.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with a CodePipeline pipeline as the target which is
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler.
import * as codepipeline from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-codepipeline';
declare const pipeline: codepipeline.Pipeline;
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.minutes(60)),
target: new targets.CodePipelineStartPipelineExecution(pipeline),
Start a SageMaker pipeline execution
Use the SageMakerStartPipelineExecution
target to start a new execution for a SageMaker pipeline.
The code snippet below creates an event rule with a SageMaker pipeline as the target which is
called every hour by EventBridge Scheduler.
import * as sagemaker from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sagemaker';
declare const pipeline: sagemaker.IPipeline;
new Schedule(this, 'Schedule', {
schedule: ScheduleExpression.rate(Duration.minutes(60)),
target: new targets.SageMakerStartPipelineExecution(pipeline, {
pipelineParameterList: [{
name: 'parameter-name',
value: 'parameter-value',