Beyond Identity JS SDK
Offering the entire experience embedded in your product. Users will not need to navigate to the Beyond Identity Authenticator.
yarn add @beyondidentity/bi-sdk-js
npm install @beyondidentity/bi-sdk-js
And add the following to your package.json:
"scripts": {
"copy:wasm": "cp -R ../node_modules/@beyondidentity/bi-sdk-js/coresdk/dist/*.wasm public",
"build": "yarn copy:wasm && <build steps>",
This is to ensure that the included wasm binary can be fetched publicly.
:warning: This assumes your publicly available static assets are located in "public".
import * as embeddedsdk from "@beyondidentity/bi-sdk-js";
async function initialize(): Promise<embeddedsdk.Embedded> {
return embeddedsdk.Embedded.initialize();
Check out the documentation for more information.
Example App
git clone
cd bi-sdk-js
yarn install && yarn build
cd examples/app/js
yarn build && yarn start
Then open the example app here.