Welcome to the Capacitor QR Code Scanner
This repository is a capacitor plug in for scanning QR Codes on Android and iOS.
Table of contents
To install from the command line:
npm i @diningcity/capacitor-qr-scanner;
npx cap sync;
npm i @diningcity/capacitor-qr-scanner;
ionic capacitor copy;
NOTE: After install the plug-in, you should add some settings and code snippets into your navite project.
- Open the ios project with Xcode from your project and add camera usage description in info.plist as following
<string>{Your camera usage description}</string>
ex: App would like to use camera to scan QRCode.
You can add this directly without coding with Xcode as following
- That's all
To import the following into your code
import { QrScanner } from '@diningcity/capacitor-qr-scanner';
import React from "react";
const Test = () => {
async function scanQR() {
const {camera} = await QrScanner.requestPermissions();
if (camera == "granted") {
const {result} = await QrScanner.scanQrCode();
} else {
alert("You should allow camera permission.");
return (
<div onClick={() => scanQR()}>
To import the following into your code
import { QrScanner } from '@diningcity/capacitor-qr-scanner';
import React from "react";
const Test = () => {
const scanQrCode = async () => {
const {result} = await QrScanner.scanQrCode();
return (
<div onClick={scanQrCode}>
After remove old android directory from the root director of the project, then run the following commands
npx cap add android
npx cap open android
After open the android project with Android Studio, then you should add the following dependency repository under the allprojects > repositories in the build.gradle of the project.
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }