e2b CLI
Command line interface for e2b.
npm install -g @e2b/cli
Then you can use the CLI with
e2b --help
You will need to authenticate to use the e2b CLI.
e2b login
🔜 Authenticate without the ability to open browser
To authenticate without the ability to open browser, you can provide E2B_ACCESS_TOKEN as an environment variable.
Obtain your E2B_ACCESS_TOKEN from at e2b.dev/docs.
E2B_ACCESS_TOKEN=e2b_sk_... e2b login
🔜 All commands can be called with a --path <path-to-dir>
flag that changes the directory where the command will be called, without the need to call cd
-V, --version Display e2b CLI version
-h, --help display help for command
help [command] display help for command
login Login to e2b
logout Logout of e2b
env|environment Manage e2b environments
create|cr [options] Create new environment and e2b.json config
list|ls List environments
shell|cn [options] [id] Connect terminal to environment