DevWorkspace Generator
The library is used by Devfile registry component to generate the DevWorkspace components and DevWorkspace templates.
How to use the library
The library could be used as a standalone library.
$ node lib/entrypoint.js [OPTIONS]
--devfile-path path to the devfile.yaml file
--devfile-url URL to the git repository that contains devfile.yaml
--plugin-registry-url URL to the plugin registry that contains an editor's definition
--editor-entry editor's ID
--editor-path: path to the editor's devfile.yaml file
--output-file path to the file where the generated content will be stored
--project. describes project entry
$ node lib/entrypoint.js --devfile-url: --editor-entry:che-incubator/che-code/insiders --plugin-registry-url: --output-file:/tmp/all-in-one.yaml`
The file /tmp/all-in-one.yaml
contains a DevWorkspace based on the repository devfile and a Che-Code DevWorkspaceTemplate.
If DevWorkspace engine is available on the cluster, the following command will create a DevWorkspace:
$ kubectl apply -f /tmp/all-in-one.yaml