Grammarly Text Editor SDK
Add Grammarly's real-time writing support to your app with just a few lines of code.
This package is designed for vanilla JavaScript apps. Visit @grammarly/editor-sdk-react for our package for React apps and @grammarly/editor-sdk-vue for our package for Vue apps.
Getting started
Here's how to get started:
Create a new Grammarly for Developers app
Install the Grammarly Text Editor SDK:
npm install @grammarly/editor-sdk
Initialize the SDK with your client ID:
import * as Grammarly from "@grammarly/editor-sdk";
Add the Grammarly Text Editor Plugin to your text editors by wrapping them with the grammarly-editor-plugin web component.
Learn more
If you'd like to learn more about what you can do with the SDK and how you can customize the plugin for your app, visit:
Ask a question
If you want to ask a question, share a suggestion, or chat about how you're using the Grammarly Text Editor SDK in your app, join us in the Grammarly for Developers community on GitHub.