Puppeteer (@hint/connector-puppeteer
A connector that uses puppeteer
to communicate with the browsers in webhint
First, you need to install webhint
npm install hint
Then, install the new connector:
npm install @hint/connector-puppeteer
Configure the connector name in your .hintrc
configuration file:
"connector": {
"name": "puppeteer"
The set of settings supported by the Puppeteer connector are:
"connector": {
"name": "puppeteer",
"options": {
"auth": {
"user": {
"selector": "string",
"value": "string"
"password": {
"selector": "string",
"value": "string"
"submit": {
"selector": "string"
"browser": "chrome|chromium|edge",
"ignoreHTTPSErrors": true|false,
"puppeteerOptions": "object",
"waitUntil": "dom|loaded|networkidle0|networkidle2"
All properties of options
are optional.
: The credentials and elements to authenticate on a website.
See next section for further details.browser (chrome|chromium|edge)
: Tells the preferred browser to
use. Webhint will search the executable for the given one and fail
if it does not find one. Keep in mind that not all browsers are
available in all platforms and that you need to manually install
the browser.ignoreHTTPSError (boolean)
: Indicates if errors with certificates
should be ignored. Use this when checking self-signed certificates.
It is false
by default.puppeteerOptions (object)
: A set of launch options to pass to
puppeteer. See the puppeteer launch options for more information.waitUntil (dom|loaded|networkidle0|networkidle2)
: Is the waiting
strategy to decide when a page is considered loaded. See the
puppeteer goto options to know more.
Website authentication
The puppeteer
connector allows to authenticate on a website that:
- uses user/password (i.e.: no MFA or captcha).
- the website needs to redirect to the login page and to the initial
target after successful authentication.
The properties of auth
: the information needed to identify the input
element via
a query selector
(e.g.: #login
) to type the value
for the
username in (e.g.: username1
: the information needed to identify the input
element via
a query selector
(e.g.: #password
) to type the value
for the
password in (e.g.: P@ssw0rd
: the information needed to identify the input
(or button
element via a query selector
(e.g.: input[type="submit"]
) to click
to submit the crendentials.
Further Reading