A plugin for Karma 0.12 to launch WebDriver instances
A plugin for Karma to launch Remote WebDriver instances.
also, you can use remote WebDriver instance by setting true the "remoteHost" options.
see below.
$ npm install karma-webdriver-launcher
In your karma.conf.js file (e.g. using SauceLabs Connect - you need to have a scout tunnel open for this to work!):
SauceLabs Example
module.exports = function(karma) {
var webdriverConfig = {
hostname: 'ondemand.saucelabs.com',
port: 80,
user: 'USERNAME',
pwd: 'APIKEY'
customLaunchers: {
'IE7': {
base: 'WebDriver',
config: webdriverConfig,
browserName: 'internet explorer',
platform: 'XP',
version: '10',
'x-ua-compatible': 'IE=EmulateIE7',
name: 'Karma',
pseudoActivityInterval: 30000
browsers: ['IE7'],
Interval in ms to do some activity to avoid killing session by timeout.
If not set or set to 0
- no activity will be performed.
Creating private remote test automation system
You can create your private remote test automation system.
see https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/Grid2
Tested Environments
- VirtualBox WinXP, Win7 (IE6 ~ IE11, Chrome, FireFox)
- XCode iPhone Simulator (using appium)
- Android Virtual Device Emulator (using appium)
1. download Selenium Standalone Server and make it work grid mode.
java jar selenium-standalone-server.jar -role hub &
2. setting VM machine that want to use test environments. (e.g. IE7-VM, IE10-VM)
3. start Selenium Standalone Server(hub mode) in VM and make it connect to grid server.
java jar selenium-standalone-server.jar -role node -nodeConfig DefaultConfig.json
DefaultConfig.json (VM Machine. installed IE11, Chrome)
"capabilities": [
"browserName": "chrome",
"maxInstances": 10,
"seleniumProtocol": "WebDriver"
}, {
"browserName": "IE11",
"maxInstances": 10,
"seleniumProtocol": "WebDriver"
"configuration": {
"maxSession": 5,
"port": 5555,
"host": ""
"register": true,
"hubPort": 4444,
"hubHost": ""
install nodejs upper v0.12, install appium
npm install -g appium
install XCode iPheon Simulator, Android Virtual Device Emulator and prepare testing environments. see appium
run appium server
my startup script.
cd ~
./Android/tools/emulator -avd Nexus_4_5.1.1 &
sleep 30
appium --port 5555 &
sleep 20
appium --nodeconfig /Users/mypc/WebDriver/nodeconfig.json
"capabilities": [
"browserName": "Safari",
"version": "8.3",
"maxInstances": 1,
}, {
"browserName": "Browser",
"version": "5.1.1",
"maxInstances": 1,
"platform": "MAC"
"proxy": "org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy",
"url": "",
"host": "",
"port": 4723,
"maxSession": 1,
"register": true,
"registerCycle": 5000,
"hubPort": 4444,
"hubHost": ""
4. insert grid server's info to karma-webdriver configs.
var webdriverConfig = {
remoteHost: true,
host: "",
port: 4444
browsers: [
customLaunchers: {
'Android': {
base: 'WebDriver',
config: webdriverConfig,
browserName: 'Browser',
platformName: 'Android',
platformVersion: '5.1.1',
deviceName: 'emulator-5554'
'iOS': {
base: 'WebDriver',
config: webdriverConfig,
browserName: 'Safari',
platformName: 'iOS',
platformVersion: '8.3',
deviceName: 'iPhone 4s'
you can apply this javascript project CI server.