React Scatter Graph
A fully customizable ready to use scatter graph UI package for React.
Try tweaking React Scatter Graph using this codesandbox link here
npm install @keyvaluesystems/react-scatter-graph
You’ll need to install React separately since it isn't included in the package.
React Scatter Graph can run in a very basic mode like this:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import ReactScatterGraph from '@keyvaluesystems/react-scatter-graph';
function App() {
data = [
{ x: 450, y: 150 },
{ x: 360, y: 330 },
{ x: 650, y: 315 },
{ x: 270, y: 200 }
return <ScatterGraph data={data} graphHeight={500} />;
export default App;
The data
array is an array of objects with { x, y } cordinates.
Note: The graph width is responsive. So it can be adjusted by a parent wrapper. You need to provide the height.
React Scatter Graph for date inputs:
Scatter graph is a useful tool for plotting date values. In order to do so, timestamps must be provided for the x-axis values.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import ReactScatterGraph from '@keyvaluesystems/react-scatter-graph';
function App() {
data = [
{ x: 1672876800000, y: 150 },
{ x: 1673568000000, y: 330 },
{ x: 1674086400000, y: 315 },
{ x: 1673222400000, y: 200}
return (
export default App;
Props that can be passed to the component are listed below:
Prop | Description | Default |
data: object[] | An array of x-y cordinates to render. | undefined |
graphHeight: number | Height of graph in pixel | undefuned |
axisColor: string | Color for the x and y axes color which indicates the lines that are used to measure data | #9E9E9E |
originAxisColor: string | Color for the origin axis color | #9E9E9E |
renderYLabel?: (arg: number | string): string |
Render function for customizing Y axis label
| undefined |
renderXLabel?: (arg: number | string): string |
Render function for customizing X axis label
| undefined |
scatterPointColor?: (arg: { x: number, y: number }): string |
Function for customizing scatter point color. Based on the args, we can customise the color. Return value should be the color hash / string.
| undefined |
renderValuebox?: (x: number, y: number): ReactElement |
Render function for customizing the value box shown on hover.
| undefined |