
An easy-to-use CLI tool to quickly build Koop applications and plugins
- follow Koop specification
- minimal project templates
- full development cycle support
- console commands + Node.js APIs
- cross-platform
Use npm
npm install -g @koopjs/cli
Use yarn
yarn global add @koopjs/cli
Once installed the koop
command is available at the console.
Create a new Koop application with the name my-koop-app
koop new app my-koop-app
cd my-koop-app
Add a provider @koopjs/filesystem-s3 from npm
koop add provider @koopjs/filesystem-s3
Add a custom provider that connects to a local database
koop add provider --local providers/local-db
Test out your work
koop serve
koop <command>
koop new <type> <name> create a new koop project
koop add <type> <name> add a new plugin to the current app
koop remove <name> remove an existing plugin from the current app
koop list [type] list plugins added to the current app
koop test run tests in the current project
koop serve [path] run a Koop server for the current project
koop validate validte the current plugin
--quiet supress all console messages except errors
[boolean] [default: false]
Each command comes with the corresponding node.js API and this CLI can be used as a library. For detail information, please read the command documentations.