Lottie Interactivity
This is a small library to add scrolling and cursor interactivity to your Lottie Animations. This can be used with the
Lottie Web-Player Component or the
Lottie Player.
via yarn
yarn add @lottiefiles/lottie-interactivity
via npm
npm install --save @lottiefiles/lottie-interactivity
via cdn
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@lottiefiles/lottie-interactivity@latest/dist/lottie-interactivity.min.js"></script>
Demos are showcased at https://lottiefiles.com/interactivity
If you would like to take a look at some examples, feel free to have a look in the examples folder to see how each of
the Lotties have been implemented.
Getting started
1. Add a Lottie to html dom with an ID set to the div
style="width:400px; height: 400px;"
{" "}
2. Setup configuration
The name of the player ie: 'firstLottie' in this example is the ID set to the lottie web component on the html page.
Configration will contain an actions object. This object takes an array named actions which consists of an array of
objects. Multiple objects can be added into this array and therefore multiple actions such as "seek","play", "stop" and
"loop", can be set.
Each object has a start and end which is essentially a percentage for the height of the lottie container and is a value
between 0 and 1. The visibility arrays first value is the start and the second value is the end. This refers to the
percentage of the viewport.
Ensure that the ending frame is the frame you want the interactivity to end at. This could be the last frame or a frame
of your choosing. In this case it is set to 100.
Configuration modes include "scroll" where the animation will be synced to the scrolling of the window and "cursor"
where the scrolling of the animation will be synced to the cursor position within the container.
The configuration can include a container field as shown in the next example. If a container is not provided the parent
div will be taken as a container.
mode: 'scroll',
actions: [
type: 'seek',
frames: [0, 100],
Scroll effect relative to container
There may be situations where you would like to wrap the lottie player inside a container or just in general sync the
lottie scroll with a div on your page. In which case you may pass a container variable with the container id into the
action object as shown below. The scroll effect in this case will be activate once the "MyContainerId" is in viewport.
player: '#secondLottie',
container: 'MyContainerId',
mode: 'scroll',
actions: [
visibility: [0, 1.0],
type: 'seek',
frames: [0, 100],
Scroll effect with offset
If you would like to add an offset to the top of the container or player you may add an extra action object to the
array. As per the example config below, from 0 to 30% visibility of the container, the lottie will be stopped and from
30% to 100% visibility of the container the lottie will be synced with the scroll.
player: '#firstLottie',
mode: 'scroll',
actions: [
visibility: [0, 0.3],
type: 'stop',
frames: [0],
visibility: [0.3, 1],
type: 'seek',
frames: [0, 100],
Scroll effect with offset and segment looping
In cases where you would like the animation to loop from a specific frame to a specific frame, you can add an additional
object to actions in which you can specifify the frames. In the example below, the lottie loops frame 150 to 300 once
45% of the container is reached.
player: '#firstLottie',
mode: 'scroll',
actions: [
visibility: [0, 0.3],
type: 'stop',
frames: [0],
visibility: [0.3, 0.45],
type: 'seek',
frames: [0, 150],
visibility: [0.45, 1],
type: 'loop',
frames: [150, 300],
Play segments
If you would like to play the animation and loop it only from a certain frame to a certain frame of your choosing, then
you can utilize the loop action and frames variable. The config below shows this example.
player: '#firstLottie',
mode: 'scroll',
actions: [
visibility: [0.45, 1],
type: 'loop',
frames: [17, 63],
Play on hover
The play on hover feature is part of the Lottie Web-Player library. Simply add
the hover prop to the player component as shown below. Using hover via the component prop however does not allow you to
play segments of the animation, this means the animation will always play from frame 0 to the last frame available.
style="width: 400px; height: 400px;"
Play segments on hover
To play the animation on hover you can pair the cursor mode with the play action. You may even utilize this to stop the
animation on hover via the "stop" type action instead of "play". Available cursor actions are "loop","seek","play" and
player: '#firstLottie',
mode: 'cursor',
actions: [
position: { x: [0, 1], y: [0, 1] },
type: 'loop',
frames: [50, 139],
Sync cursor movement with animation
To sync the position of the cursor with the frames of the animation , you will need to add a position object to the
action. This tells the liberary which position in the container that the animation should end at. As you move the cursor
along the given container (No container provided in this example and the library takes the wrapper div for the Lottie as
the container) the frames will move according to the cursors position.
player: '#firstLottie',
mode: 'cursor',
actions: [
position: { x: [0, 1], y: [0, 1] },
type: 'seek',
frames: [0, 100],