Angular kendo-grid-State
A helper library that implements a service to manage grid state during session or between sessions for @Progress Kendo UI for Angular Grid.
How to use
Install the Angular library with NPM:
npm install --save @lucasheight/kendo-grid-state
Using the library
Configure the grid and column settings
An example project is included in source here
- Create an object that implements GridSettings.
- Assign unique key for the state.
- Assign the Storage type. E.g.
sessionStorage or localStorage
- Assign the initial grid state.
- Assign the columns collection configuration.
export const appComponentGridSettings: GridSettings = {
key: "exampleAppGridSettings",
storage: sessionStorage,
state: {
skip: 0,
take: 20,
sort: [{ field: "ProductName", dir: "asc" }],
filter: { logic: "and", filters: [] },
columns: [
title: "Id",
field: "ProductID",
editable: false,
hidden: true,
filterable: false,
new ColumnSettings({
field: "ProductName",
title: "Product Name",
editable: true,
filterable: true,
Configure the component that hosts the grid
- Add GridStateService to the providers.
- Add the GRID_STATE constant to the providers and use the value of the GridSettings object created previously.
providers: [
{ provide: GRID_STATE, useValue: appComponentGridSettings },
- In the class constructor call the get() method on the GridStateService to populate the default settings. Note the public assessor on the gridStateService. This service requires to be public to be accessible in the html template if using the columnVisibilityChange event.
export class GridComponent {
gridSettings: GridSettings;
private service: AppService,
public gridStateService: GridStateService
) {
this.gridSettings = gridStateService.get();
- Every time an event is raised in your component that changes the grid state, call the set() method on the GridStateService.
public onStateChange = (e: DataStateChangeEvent): void => {
this.loading = true;
this.gridSettings.state = e;
Configure the html template
Add a <kendo-grid></kendo-grid>
to the template. Use an *ngFor
to iterate over the configured columns array.
If your grid makes use of column templates, use an *ngIf
on the template to filter for the required field. Example below.
Configure the grid attributes for the managed states. Config the columnVisibilityChange event if required. The handler for this event is available on the GridStateService. (columnVisibilityChange)="gridStateService.onVisibilityChange($event)"
Full template example
<h1>Northwind Products</h1>
[data]="data$ |async"
*ngFor="let col of gridSettings.columns"
{{dataItem.ProductId}} - {{dataItem.ProductName}}