
A datepicker Vue component. Compatible with Vue 2.x
To view a demo online:
npm install @mathieustan/vue-datepicker --save
yarn add @mathieustan/vue-datepicker
import { VueDatePicker } from '@mathieustan/vue-datepicker';
export default {
components: {
import VueDatePicker from '@mathieustan/vue-datepicker';
<VueDatePicker v-model="currentDate" />
value prop if passed should be a Date object
<VueDatePicker :value="date"></VueDatePicker>
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
date: new Date([2019, 5, 16]),
support name attribute for normal html form submission
<VueDatePicker :value="" name="uniquename"></VueDatePicker>
Using v-model
<VueDatePicker v-model="" name="uniquename"></VueDatePicker>
Available props
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
id | String | 'datepicker' | Input id |
value | Date|String|Number | | Date value of the datepicker |
name | String | 'datepicker' | Input name property & datepicker title in fullscreenMobile |
validate | Boolean | false | Show validations button to select date |
buttonValidate | String | 'Ok' | Text for validation button |
buttonCancel | String | 'Cancel' | Text for cancel button |
format | String | DD MMMM YYYY | Date formatting for input |
formatHeader | String | dddd DD MMM | Allows you to customize the format of the month string that appears in the header of the calendar. |
formatOutput | String | YYYY-MM-DD | Allows you to customize the format of date when selected |
placeholder | String | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | Allow you to change input placeholder |
visible | Boolean | false | Allow you to trigger datepicker |
disabled | Boolean | false | Datepicker disabled or not |
color | String | #4f88ff | Applies specified color |
noHeader | Boolean | | Allow to hide header |
noInput | Boolean | | Hide input to show a button instead (better when width needs to be dynamic) |
fullscreenMobile | Boolean | false | Datepicker will appear in a bottom sheet in mobile view |
minDate | String|Number|Date | | Date are available FROM this date |
endDate | String|Number|Date | | Date are disabled AFTER this date |
locale | Object | {lang: 'en'} | More informations here Translations |
inline | Boolean | false | Inline datepicker |
fixed | Boolean | false | Set datepicker popup to fixed position => More informations here Best Practices |
attachTo | String|DOM Element | '#app' | It will mount datepicker popup into this element as a child ( /!\ Important /!\ If datepicker is inside a fixed parent, you should set attachTo this parent) More informations here Best Practices |
type | String | 'date' | Determines the type of the picker - date/month/quarter |
range | Boolean | false | Enable/disable Date range (actually only available for date ) |
rangeInputText | String | '%d ~ %d' | When range is enabled, Allow to customize date text in input |
rangeHeaderText | String | 'From %d To %d ' | When range is enabled, set text before date in datepicker header |
rangePresets | Array | | Allow to add custom range presets to range datepicker. (Max custom presets = 6) Example: [{ name: 'This year', dates: { start: ..., end: ... } }] |
tabindex | String|Number | '0' | Specify input tabindex |
zIndex | Number | | Specify a z-index to datepicker & overlay |
Event | Output | Description |
onOpen | | datepicker opened |
onClose | | datepicker closed |
onChange | | datepicker changed |
onDestroy | | datepicker destroyed |
Date Formatting
You can use this with format
Example :
<VueDatePicker v-model="currentDate" format="YYYY-MM-DD" />
Format | Output | Description |
YY | 18 | Two-digit year |
YYYY | 2018 | Four-digit year |
M | 1-12 | Month, beginning at 1 |
MM | 01-12 | Month, 2-digits |
MMM | Jan-Dec | The abbreviated month name |
MMMM | January-December | The full month name |
D | 1-31 | Day of month |
DD | 01-31 | Day of month, 2-digits |
H | 0-23 | Hours |
HH | 00-23 | Hours, 2-digits |
h | 1-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock |
hh | 01-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits |
m | 0-59 | Minutes |
mm | 00-59 | Minutes, 2-digits |
s | 0-59 | Seconds |
ss | 00-59 | Seconds, 2-digits |
S | 0-9 | Hundreds of milliseconds, 1-digit |
SS | 00-99 | Tens of milliseconds, 2-digits |
SSS | 000-999 | Milliseconds, 3-digits |
Z | -5:00 | Offset from UTC |
ZZ | -0500 | Compact offset from UTC, 2-digits |
A | AM PM | Post or ante meridiem, upper-case |
a | am pm | Post or ante meridiem, lower-case |
Do | 1st... 31st | Day of Month with ordinal |
By default, locale will be set from your navigator language.
But it's possible to set it from locale
Actually, there are some locale inside project ('en', 'fr, 'es', 'de');
<VueDatePicker :value="date" :locale="locale"></VueDatePicker>
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
date: new Date([2019, 5, 16]),
locale: {
lang: 'fr'
weekDays: ['L', 'M', 'M', 'J', 'V', 'S', 'D'],
:rocket: Now, you can use your own language object
Below, an exemple for it
language :
You should have those properties to make it works :
'name', 'weekdays', 'weekdaysShort', 'weekdaysMin', 'weekStart', 'months', 'monthsShort', 'ordinal', 'formats',
<VueDatePicker :value="date" :locale="locale"></VueDatePicker>
const locale = {
lang: {
name: 'it',
weekdays: 'domenica_lunedì_martedì_mercoledì_giovedì_venerdì_sabato'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'dom_lun_mar_mer_gio_ven_sab'.split('_'),
weekStart: 1,
months: 'gennaio_febbraio_marzo_aprile_maggio_giugno_luglio_agosto_settembre_ottobre_novembre_dicembre'.split('_'),
monthsShort: 'gen_feb_mar_apr_mag_giu_lug_ago_set_ott_nov_dic'.split('_'),
formats: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
ordinal: n => `${n}º`,
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
date: new Date([2019, 5, 16]),
If you need more exemples, you can go to this link to find your language :
-> locales
Best Practices
When should you use attachTo
or fixed
props :
is great when you have a fixed element in your page like a panel, a dialog or a fixed fullscreen container.
The datepicker position will not take care of scroll page position and it'll be absolutely positionned
into your fixed container. (if you scroll, datepicker popup will scroll too).
On the other hand, when using attachTo, the component will check if there is enough space around to position it correctly, and therefore if the container hasn't enough space it will be positioned oddly. This is where the prop fixed comes in.
is great to use it in a fixed toolbar because page can scroll or move, datepicker will always show at same point.
On the other hand, if you use it in a fixed container which allow scroll, you'll have a fixed datepicker even if you scroll. So, you should use attachTo :)