Mayan Swap SDK
A minimal package for sending cross-chain swap transactions
npm install --save @mayanfinance/swap-sdk
import the necessary functions and models:
import { fetchQuote, swapFromEvm, swapFromSolana, Quote } from '@mayanfinance/swap-sdk'
Then we will need to get a quote:
Getting Quote:
const quote = await getQuote({
amountIn: 250,
fromToken: fromToken.contract,
toToken: toToken.contract,
fromChain: "bsc",
toChain: "solana",
slippage: 3,
You can get the list of available tokens using Tokens API
Slippage is in percentage, so 3 means "up to three percent slippage".
After we get the quote we can send the swap transaction:
Swap from Solana:
swapTrx = await swapFromSolana(quote, originWalletAddress, destinationWalletAddress, deadlineInSeconds, signSolanaTransaction)
Swap from EVM:
swapTrx = await swapFromEvm(quote, destinationWalletAddress, deadlineInSeconds, provider, signer)
To track the progress of a swap, we can use Mayan Explorer API