What is @nrwl/tao?
The @nrwl/tao package is part of the Nx monorepo toolset provided by Nrwl. It provides a set of utilities for workspace management, task orchestration, and abstracts away the configuration for building and testing applications. It is designed to help developers create and maintain monorepo setups more efficiently.
What are @nrwl/tao's main functionalities?
Workspace Management
This feature allows you to read the workspace configuration file, which is useful for understanding the structure and configuration of projects within the workspace.
const { readWorkspaceJson } = require('@nrwl/tao/src/core/file-utils');
const workspaceJson = readWorkspaceJson();
Task Orchestration
This feature enables you to programmatically execute tasks such as building or testing a project within the workspace. It is useful for automating workflows and integrating with other tools.
const { runCommand } = require('@nrwl/tao/src/commands/run-command');
runCommand('build', { project: 'my-app' }, { interactive: false });
Configuration Abstraction
This feature provides utility functions to work with the workspace's root path and other configuration details, simplifying the process of setting up and maintaining a monorepo.
const { getWorkspacePath } = require('@nrwl/tao/src/utils/app-root');
const workspacePath = getWorkspacePath();
Other packages similar to @nrwl/tao
Lerna is a tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages, similar to @nrwl/tao. It optimizes the workflow around managing multi-package repositories with git and npm. Lerna can also automate the versioning and publishing of packages.
Yarn Workspaces is a feature of Yarn that allows users to set up multiple package directories within a single repository. It is similar to @nrwl/tao in that it helps manage dependencies and linking between packages in a monorepo.

Nx: Smart, Fast and Extensible Build System
Nx is a next generation build system with first class monorepo support and powerful integrations.
Getting Started
Creating an Nx Workspace
Using npx
npx create-nx-workspace
Using npm init
npm init nx-workspace
Using yarn create
yarn create nx-workspace
The create-nx-workspace
command will ask you to select a preset, which will configure some plugins and create your applications to help you get started.
? What to create in the new workspace (Use arrow keys)
❯ apps [an empty workspace with no plugins with a layout that works best for building apps]
core [an empty workspace with no plugins set up to publish npm packages (similar to yarn workspaces)]
ts [an empty workspace with the JS/TS plugin preinstalled]
react [a workspace with a single React application]
angular [a workspace with a single Angular application]
next.js [a workspace with a single Next.js application]
nest [a workspace with a single Nest application]
express [a workspace with a single Express application]
web components [a workspace with a single app built using web components]
react-native [a workspace with a single React Native application]
Select the preset that works best for you
Adding Nx to an Existing Monorepo
npx add-nx-to-monorepo@latest
Documentation & Resources
A few links to help you get started: