Utility function to create and use a forge compatible wallet, the wallet is also DID compatible.
yarn add @ocap/wallet
# OR
npm i @ocap/wallet -S
const assert = require('assert');
const { fromSecretKey, WalletType, fromJSON } = require('@ocap/wallet');
const { types } = require('@ocap/mcrypto');
const sk =
const appId = 'zNKtCNqYWLYWYW3gWRA1vnRykfCBZYHZvzKr';
const sig =
const type = WalletType({
role: types.RoleType.ROLE_APPLICATION,
pk: types.KeyType.ED25519,
hash: types.HashType.SHA3,
address: types.EncodingType.BASE58,
const wallet = fromSecretKey(sk, type);
const message = 'data to sign';
const signature = wallet.sign(message);
assert.equal(signature, sig, 'signature should match');
assert.ok(wallet.verify(message, signature), 'signature should be verified');
const wallet2 = fromJSON(wallet.toJSON());
For full documentation, checkout https://asset-chain.netlify.com