
Reactive Component State for Angular
RxState is a light-weight, flexible, strongly typed and tested tool dedicated to reduce the complexity of managing component state in angular.

Developing modern, reactive user interfaces imposes a variety of challenging tasks. Naming some of those:
- reacting to events from different sources
- transforming and composing state
- handling state lifetime
- handling subscriptions
There are plenty of solutions available for managing these challenges on a global level (Akita, NgRx, NgXs, ...).
None of them targeting the special needs of the component level.
was specifically designed to give developers a tool for mastering component state without forcing
them to use complex design patterns.
It's light-weight and intuitive API and the automatic subscription handling making @rx-angular/state
the perfect fit for handling state in any angular component.
Using this library allows you to implement things like:
- merge global into local state
- shared state selections
- subscription-less interaction
- hook into imperative functions (e.g. component lifecycle or HostBindings)
with very little effort in any component.
Key features
- Slim, on point and intuitive API
- Automated subscription handling
- Connecting any Observable source to the state
- Partial state updates
- Reactive state selection
- Lazy state
- Foundation for zone-less Angular applications
npm install @rx-angular/state
API Documentation
Usage Documentation
Design Documents