🖼️ ARnft - WebAR with NFT
A small javascript library to develop WebAR apps. It is based on jsartoolkitNFT a lighter version of jsartoolkit5 only with NFT markerless technology. It uses ARnft-threejs for the rendering part.
🚀 Start using it !
:one: Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/webarkit/ARnft.git
:two: Install the npm packages with yarn:
yarn install
or with npm:
npm install
:three: Run the node server:
npx http-server
:four: Go to the examples:
:five: Point your device 📱 to the pinball image 👇 a red cube will appear !
<img alt="pinball image" src= https://raw.githubusercontent.com/artoolkitx/artoolkit5/master/doc/Marker%20images/pinball.jpg width="250"/>
🏎️ SIMD Feature
The ARnft library now includes support for SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) to enhance performance by parallelizing data processing tasks. This feature is particularly useful for applications requiring high computational power, such as augmented reality.
To see the SIMD feature in action, you can try the arNFT_simd_example.html
📦 Usage
Download the zipped dist lib package from the releases page: webarkit/ARnft/releases
and import it as a module:
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"three": "./js/third_party/three.js/three.module.min.js",
"arnft-threejs": "./js/ARnftThreejs.module.js",
"arnft": "./../dist/ARnft.module.js"
<script type="module">
import * as THREE from "three";
import arnft from "arnft";
const { ARnft } = arnft;
import ARnftThreejs from "arnft-threejs";
const { SceneRendererTJS, NFTaddTJS } = ARnftThreejs;
or you can use raw.githack services (for development):
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"three": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/three@<version>/build/three.module.min.js",
"arnft-threejs": "https://raw.githack.com/webarkit/ARnft-threejs/master/dist/ARnftThreejs.module.js",
"arnft": "https://raw.githack.com/webarkit/ARnft/master/dist/ARnft.module.js"
<script type="module">
or raw.cdn (for production, you need to add the hash):
// As the examples above import three.js, Arnft-threejs and Arnft in an importmap
"arnft": "https://rawcdn.githack.com/webarkit/ARnft/<hash>/dist/ARnft.js"
or if you want to import as a module with npm:
// In your package.json:
"devDependencies": {
"@webarkit/ar-nft": "^0.14.9"
import { ARnft } from "@webarkit/ar-nft";
🧪 Examples
Test the examples in the /examples
Example with the autoupdate routine.arNFT_container_example.html
Example with an alternative container.arNFT_event_example.html
Example with objVisibility and eventListener.arNFT_example.html
The simplest example displaying a red cube.arNFT_simd_example.html
Example with SIMD feature.arNFT_gltf_brave_robot_example.html
More advanced example with a gltf model and threejs events.arNFT_gltf_example.html
Example showing a gltf model (Duck).arNFT_gltf_flamingo_example.html
Example showing an animated gltf model (Flamingo).arNFT_image_example.html
Example showing an image.arNFT_initialize_raw_example.html
Example using the custom initialize function for the CameraRenderer (video).arNFT_multi_example.html
Example with multi NFT markers.arNFT_multi_dispose_example.html
Example with multi NFT markers and disposing worker.arNFT_multi_one_worker_example.html
Example with multi NFT markers in one Worker.arNFT_video_example.html
Example showing a video.arNFT_zft_example.html
Example showing a simple cube, loading a .zft file.
You can try also a live example with React at this link: kalwalt.github.io/ARnft-ES6-react/
💰 Donate
Donate to ARnft

📚 Documentation
You can build the docs with this command:
yarn docs
Then run a live server and go to the docs' folder.
🌟 Features
- NFT (Natural Feature Tracking) Markers, read my article: NFT natural feature tracking with jsartoolkit5
- ZFT compressed NFT markers with .zft extension, with faster loading time.
- SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) support for enhanced performance.
- ES6 standard. You can install it as a npm package and use it as a module (experimental). Install it with npm:
npm i @webarkit/ar-nft
or with yarn:
yarn add @webarkit/ar-nft
🛠️ Format the code with Prettier
We are using Prettier as code formatter. You only need to run yarn format
to write the formatted code with Prettier. If you want to check if the code is well formatted run instead: yarn format-check
🔧 Build
If you make changes to the code, run these commands to build the distribution library, install all the dependencies with:
yarn --include=dev i
For a development build, that is the code will be rebuilt for every change, run:
yarn dev-ts
Instead for a production build, with more optimizations in the code and smaller size, run:
yarn build-ts