WT Notification API

API written in node.js to facilitate publish / subscribe
communication within the WT platform.
We expect that some of the data that is available through the WT
platform will be very short-lived in nature. This includes
availability data but it might also include other information,
such as price data. The crucial question is: how can a WT data
consumer keep track of all the changes without resorting to
polling all resources all the time?
The solution lies in a publish / subscribe mechanism that works
as follows:
- There is an API specification for update notification publication
/ subscription together with a reference implementation.
- Any data structure (hotel, airline) within WT contains an optional reference
to an instance of this service. It is assumed that update
notifications will be pushed there actively by the actors
representing the hotel/airline. (If
is used for
data publication, things should work out of the box.) - Data consumers can subscribe to update notifications and
receive them via webhooks.
This solution is decentralized in nature as it allows multiple
independent publish / subscribe channel providers to coexist and
be easily discovered via the WT index.
This repository contains both the API specification (in
) as well as the reference implementation.
In order to install and run tests, we must:
git clone git@github.com:windingtree/wt-notification-api.git
nvm install
npm install
npm test
Running in dev mode
With all the dependencies installed, you can start the dev server.
First step is to initialize the SQLite database used to store
subscriptions. If you want to use a different database, feel
free to change the connection settings in the appropriate
configuration file in src/config/
npm run createdb-dev
If you'd like to start afresh later, just delete the .dev.sqlite
Running this server
You can run the whole API in a docker container, and you can
control which config will be used by passing an appropriate value
to WT_CONFIG variable at runtime. Database will be setup during the
container startup in the current setup. You can skip this with
environment variable.
$ docker build -t windingtree/wt-notification-api .
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -e WT_CONFIG=playground windingtree/wt-notification-api
After that you can access the wt-notification-api on local port 8080
You can install and run this from NPM as well:
$ npm install -g @windingtree/wt-notification-api
$ WT_CONFIG=playground wt-notification-api
This will also create a local SQLite instance in the directory
where you run the wt-notification-api
command. To prevent that,
you can suppress DB creation with SKIP_DB_SETUP
Running in production
You can customize the behaviour of the instance by many environment
variables which get applied if you run the API with WT_CONFIG=envvar
These are:
- Which config will be used. Defaults to dev
- HTTP Port where the API will lsiten, defaults to 8080
- Base URL of this API instance, for example https://playground-notification-api.windingtree.com
- Knex database client name, for example sqlite3
- Knex database client options as JSON string, for example {"filename": "./envvar.sqlite"}
- Log level, defaults to info
- Whether to not setup new database upon startup.
We recommend to use a more robust database than sqlite3
for any serious
How tos
Publishing notifications
Currently, no authentication is needed when publishing update
When sending an update notification, you should specify:
- WT Index address the update pertains to.
- Type of WT resource ("hotel" or "airline").
- WT Resource address (e.g. hotel/airline address).
- Scope (what has changed).
The purpose of scope
is twofold:
- Allow consumers to subscribe only to a subset of updates
(e.g. updates of prices).
- Enable consumers to keep track of which remote resources can
be kept in local cache. For example, if updates keep coming
without the
subject, the consumer knows the old
URL of, say, ratePlans is still valid and can be simply
fetched again to get the newest data.
$ curl -X POST localhost:8080/notifications -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
"wtIndex": "0x3b476ac17ffea8dcf2dbd5ef787a5baeeebe9984",
"resourceType": "hotel",
"resourceAddress": "0x6a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a",
"scope": {
"action": "update",
"subjects": ["dataIndex", "ratePlans"]
Consuming notifications
If you want to consume notifications, you need to prepare
a publicly accessible http(s) endpoint where you can accept the
notifications. The notifications will come as json-encoded data
via POST HTTP requests. Notification data will be unchanged
(i.e. what the publisher sends will be broadcast to consumers.)
Make sure the endpoint responds to notifications with HTTP
status 200 and the response body is the text notification accepted
Once you have this endpoint ready, you can subscribe for
notifications of interest:
$ curl -X POST localhost:8080/subscriptions -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
"wtIndex": "0x3b476ac17ffea8dcf2dbd5ef787a5baeeebe9984",
"resourceType": "hotel",
"resourceAddress": "0x6a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a4a",
"scope": {
"action": "update",
"subjects": ["dataIndex", "ratePlans"]
"url": "https://my-server.example.com/wt-callbacks/"
{"subscriptionId": "63ccc93d66321f37a7203a26567fd1b0"}
as well as scope
are optional. If you do not
specify them, all notifications that fulfill the remaining
criteria will be broadcast to you.
If possible, consider using unique webhook URLs for individual
subscriptions to make eventual cancelling of selected
subscriptions easier in case you lose / do not store
subscription IDs (see the next section for more information).
Cancelling a subscription
If you want to cancel a subscription, you have two
- Stop sending the
notification accepted
response from the
endpoint. (To prevent abuse of our service, subscription is
deactivated as soon as the recipient stops replying with
confirmations.) - Actively unsubscribe like this (using the correct
subscription ID):
$ curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/subscriptions/63ccc93d66321f37a7203a26567fd1b0
Validating subscription status
Sometimes you might need to validate what the status of your
subscription is, for instance when you are not sure whether the
subscription has been cancelled according to rule 1 in the
previous section or not. This is how you can retrieve the data
related to your subscription:
$ curl localhost:8080/subscriptions/63ccc93d66321f37a7203a26567fd1b0 | python -m json.tool
"id": "63ccc93d66321f37a7203a26567fd1b0",
"active": true,
"wtIndex": "0x3b476ac17ffea8dcf2dbd5ef787a5baeeebe9984",
"resourceType": "hotel",
"scope": {
"action": "update",
"subjects": ["dataIndex", "ratePlans"]
"url": "https://my-server.example.com/wt-callbacks/"
Note the active
attribute denoting the subscription status.
Publicly available instances
For currently available public instances of wt-notification-api, please see this