Xola UI Kit
React component library for the next generation of Xola apps.
Install the UI kit.
$ npm install @xola/ui-kit
Install peer dependencies.
$ npm install autoprefixer postcss tailwindcss lodash
Create PostCSS and Tailwind config files.
$ echo 'module.exports = require("@xola/ui-kit/tailwind.config");' > tailwind.config.js
$ echo 'module.exports = require("@xola/ui-kit/postcss.config");' > postcss.config.js
Import main CSS files in your project.
import "@xola/ui-kit/index.css";
import "@xola/ui-kit/build/style.css";
UI kit expects you already have a working React dev environment with PostCSS support.
Import and use the components.
import { Button } from "@xola/ui-kit";
Available Components
- Alert
- Avatar
- Badge
- Breadcrumb
- Button
- ButtonGroup
- FormGroup
- HeaderToolbar
- Input
- Label
- Logo
- Modal
- NotificationCount
- Popover
- Search
- Sidebar
- Spinner
- Switch
- Table
- Tooltip
Install all required dependencies:
$ nvm use
$ npm install
Start the Storybook development server:
$ npm run dev
Use the Package Locally
$ npm pack
$ cd your-project
$ npm install ../ui-kit/xola-ui-kit@{version}.tgz --no-save