awf — a CLI for managing Alfred workflows
(Alfred Workflow) is an OS X CLI for managing and
assisting in the development of workflows for
command-line launcher Alfred - versions 3 and 2 are supported.
It comes with a broad range of features:
Note: Some features related to Alfred Preferences.app
involve GUI scripting
and therefore require that the application running awf
- typically, Terminal.app
be granted access to accessibility features - you will be prompted for authorization
on first use; for more information, see Apple's support article on the subject.
Retrieving information about workflows
- List all workflows or workflows matching a filter, optionally with selectable output fields.
awf list -s i net.same2u. # list matching workflows by bundle ID substring
- Print information about a given workflow.
awf info net.same2u.speak.awf
Locating workflows
- Locate a workflow's installation folder by its bundle ID.
awf which net.same2u.speak.awf # prints installation folder path
- Reveal a workflow's folder in Finder.
awf reveal net.same2u.speak.awf
- Trigger a keyword search for workflows in Alfred Preferences.
Editing workflows
- Change to a workflow's folder in Terminal.
awf cd net.same2u.speak.awf # opens a tab in a new window
- Open a workflow in Alfred Preferences for editing.
awf edit net.same2u.speak.awf
awf edit # from a workflow source folder
Installing and exporting workflows
- Install a (copy of a) workflow from a source folder.
- Export a
archive from a source folder.
awf export . # exports to '*.alfredworkflow' in same folder by default
Developing workflows
- The purpose of the following features is to allow you to store workflows being
developed in a separate location instead of directly among the installed workflows.
A symlink to the dev location placed among the installed folders ensures that
you can still use and develop the workflow from within Alfred and Alfred Preferences.
- These features move directories, create symlinks, and delete files.
Care is taken not to accidentally overwrite or delete files, but
use these features with caution and always create backups.
- Symlink a dev folder (source folder) into the folder of installed worklows or remove a dev folder's symlink.
awf link . # effective installation without moving the directory
awf unlink . # remove a symlink - effective uninstallation
- Move an existing, regular workflow to a dev folder in a different location and replace the original workflow folder with a symlink to the dev folder.
awf todev net.same2u.speak . # move to current folder and perform 'awf link'
- Conversely, move a dev folder back to the folder of installed workflows as a regularly installed workflow.
awf fromdev . # -k keeps the source folder
- Manage workflow version numbers via file
awf version patch # bumps the patch component of the workflow's version number
The Usage chapter contains the full manual.
Installation from the npm registry
Note: Even if you don't use Node.js itself: its package manager, npm
, works across platforms and is easy to install; try
curl -L http://git.io/n-install | bash
With Node.js installed, install the package as follows:
[sudo] npm install -g awf
- Whether you need
depends on how you installed Node.js and whether you've changed permissions later; if you get an EACCES
error, try again with sudo
. - The
ensures global installation and is needed to put awf
in your system's $PATH
Manual installation
- Download the CLI as
. - Make it executable with
chmod +x awf
. - Move it or symlink it to a folder in your
, such as /usr/local/bin
currently does not have a man
page, but its manual is accessible
through the help
awf help
(or awf -h
) gives a concise overview of all sub-commands.awf help all
additionally prints detailed descriptions of all sub-commands.awf help <sub-command>
prints the detailed description of the specified sub-command;
e.g., awf help list
$ awf --help
awf list|ls [-b] [-o fieldIdChars] [[-s fieldIdChars] [-x|-r] searchTerm]
Lists installed workflows, optionally with custom output and filtering.
awf search [searchTerm]
Searches for workflows in the Alfred Preferences application.
awf info [-b] [-o fieldIdChars] [wfFolderOrBundleID]
Prints a workflow's metadata, optionally with selectable output fields.
awf id [wfFolder]
Prints the bundle ID of a workflow.
awf which [-l|-P] [-R] [wfDevFolderOrBundleID]
Prints the full path to an installed workflow's folder.
awf reveal [-P] [wfDevFolderOrBundleID | '/']
Reveals an installed workflow's folder in Finder.
'/' reveals the root of Alfred's workflow folders.
awf cd [-P] [wfFolderOrBundleID | '/']
Changes to an installed workflow's folder in a new Terminal window.
'/' changes to the root of Alfred's workflow folders.
awf edit [wfFolderOrBundleID]
Opens a workflow for editing in the Alfred Preferences application.
awf install [wfDevFolder]
Installs a workflow from a dev folder.
awf export [-R] [wfFolderOrBundleID [outFolder]]
Exports a workflow to an *.alfredworkflow ZIP archive.
awf link|ln [-f] [wfDevFolder [symlinkName]]
Symlinks a dev workflow into the folder of installed workflows.
awf unlink|unln [wfFolderOrBundleID]
Removes a symlink to a dev workflow from the folder of installed ones.
awf prune
Removes dead symlinks from the folder of installed workflows.
awf todev [-R] [wfInstalledFolderOrBundleID [wfDevFolder]]
Converts an installed workflow to a dev workflow.
awf fromdev [-k] [wfDevFolder]
Converts a dev workflow to a regular installed workflow.
awf version [-f] [newVersion|'major|'minor'|'patch' [wfFolderOrBundleId]]
Prints or assigns a workflow's version number.
awf help [command | 'all'] # or: awf command -h
Prints help information.
Performs various operations related to Alfred workflows.
(To learn about Alfred, go to http://alfredapp.com)
Supports Alfred 3 and Alfred 2; if both are installed, pass -2 as the very
first argument to target Alfred 2.
To get help for a specific command, use `awf help <command>`
or `awf <command> -h`.
WFDEVFOLDER is a folder path containing an Alfred workflow
*dev* (development) project, in a *separate location* from and
and typically symlinked into the folder hosting all installed
WFINSTALLEDFOLDER is a path to a workflow folder among the
*installed* workflows.
WFFOLDER can be either a dev or an installed workflow folder.
Generally, not specifying a folder (or bundle ID) defaults to the current
In commands where a bundle ID can be specified to target a workflow, only
*installed* workflows are searched for said bundle ID.
For license information and more, visit https://github.com/mklement0/awf
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Michael Klement mklement0@gmail.com (http://same2u.net), released under the MIT license.
This project gratefully depends on the following open-source components, according to the terms of their respective licenses.
npm dependencies below have optional suffixes denoting the type of dependency; the absence of a suffix denotes a required run-time dependency: (D)
denotes a development-time-only dependency, (O)
an optional dependency, and (P)
a peer dependency.
npm dependencies
v0.3.0 (2016-09-15):
- [enhancement] Alfred 3 is now supported as well. If both Alfred 2 and Alfred 3
are installed, Alfred 2 can be targeted by passing
as the very
first argument.
v0.2.4 (2015-11-07):
- [fix]
sub-command now processes its operand correctly and now fails
in case a dev folder is specified that isn't currently symlinked as
an installed folder. - [dev] Internal optimizations and stability improvements.
v0.2.3 (2015-11-07):
- [doc]
: Removed spurious 10.10 requirement; copy-editing.
v0.2.2 (2015-11-07):
- [doc] Typo fixed.
- [dev] Automatic TOC generation for
disabled for now, because doctoc
doesn't parse the "Usage" chapter correctly.
v0.2.1 (2015-11-07):
- [doc] TOC added to
v0.2.0 (2015-11-07):
- First release.
- [change]
afw version
now expects the version number/increments specifier before the target-folder operand; ''
is now
needed to explicitly ask to get the current version when also specifying a target-folder operand. - [change]
afw export
now uses a workflow's bundle ID as the filename root by default. - [change] Options may now be intermingled with operands (though the sub-command must still be the very first argument).
- [fix] Various small fixes.
v0.1.0-3 (2015-10-28):
- [fix]
awf export
should now work as advertised (support for output-folder argument, resolution of relative paths).
v0.1.0-2 (2015-10-28):
- [fix] Using
as the target dev folder for awf link
is now handled correctly.
v0.1.0-1 (2015-10-28):
- [fix] Using
as the target dev folder for awf todev
is now handled correctly. - [enhancement] If the target dev folder for
awf todev
is found to be located
inside a package project (specifically, if ../package.json
exists), it is
now the parent folder's name that is used to form the symlink name, as it
is assumed to be project-specific, whereas the subfolder hosting the workflow
source code may not.
v0.1.0-0 (2015-10-28):