BESON - Binary Extended JSON
Beson library is an es6 compatible library that allows users to encode and transfer javascript data with binary format. Beson library is similar to BSON format used in mongodb. The major difference between beson and bson is that beson allows primitive data to be encoded directly. Beson is designed to transfer or store data in a binary format, not specialized for database storage.
How to use
For Browser
Just use the following es6 module import statement.
<script type='module'>
import {Serialize, Deserialize} from "";
For NodeJS
Beson contains two different versions, 0.9.X and 1.x or greater. Beson@1.x is completely written in es module and 0.9 is written using CommonJS modules.
You can simply use the following statement in NodesJS to use beson.
const { Deserialize, Serialize } = require('beson');
Run Unit Test
node --experimental-modules --loader ./.loader.mjs unit-test.mjs
Since that the module is completely written in es module, NodeJS requires more steps to make beson work! NodeJS requires ESM Resolve Hook to load modules ended with .esm.js. This repo contains the predefined loader script for NodeJS developers who doesn't want to write one...
Assume you have have the following loader script and store at "[PATH]/loader.mjs"
import path from 'path';
import process from 'process';
const BaseURL = new URL("file://");
BaseURL.pathname = `${process.cwd()}/`;
export function resolve(specifier, parentModuleURL, defaultResolve) {
if (specifier.substr(-7) === ".esm.js") {
return {
url: new URL(specifier, parentModuleURL||BaseURL).href,
format: 'esm'
return defaultResolve(specifier, parentModuleURL);
And you have to use the following command line options to execute your script.
node --experimental-modules --loader [PATH]/loader.mjs [PATH TO YOUR VERY OWN SCRIPT]
Once you're prepared to run the script, you can use the following statement to use beson.
import {Deserialize, Serialize} from "beson";
Basic Usage
Beson is shipped with Serialize and Deserialize apis for developers who wants to encode and decode data.
Just call Serialize
with any data you want to encode, and an ArrayBuffer object contains the encoded data is returned...
import { Serialize } from 'beson';
let buf_null = Serialize(null);
let buf_bool = Serialize(false);
let buf_num = Serialize(123456);
let buf_num2 = Serialize(Math.PI);
let buf_str = Serialize('Hello World');
let buf_date = Serialize(new Date());
let buf_obj = Serialize({
a:1, b:2, c:3, d:false, "5":"string"
let buf_arry = Serialize([
null, 1, false, Math.E, 'HI', [ 1, 2, 3 ]
let buf_ab = Serialize(new ArrayBuffer(24));
let buf_ta1 = Serialize(new Uint8Array(24));
let buf_ta2 = Serialize(new Uint16Array(24));
let buf_ta3 = Serialize(new Uint32Array(24));
let buf_ta4 = Serialize(new Int8Array(24));
let buf_ta5 = Serialize(new Int16Array(24));
let buf_ta6 = Serialize(new Int32Array(24));
let buf_ta7 = Serialize(new Float32Array(24));
let buf_ta8 = Serialize(new Float64Array(24));
let buf_dv = Serialize(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(30)));
Just call Deserialize
with any beson encoded ArrayBuffer data, the corresponding value is returned...
import { Deserialize } from "beson";
let buf = Serialize('Hello World');
let data = Deserialize(buf);
Some Extended Usage
Beson also provides other types that for developers who want to specifically controls the data they want to encode, such as uint32 or uint64. Following list are types that are provided by beson. ( These types can be found in Beson exports )
Int32 / UInt32
Int64 / UInt64
Int128 / UInt128
Friendly Reminders
- This library is released under ISC license, and currently this library is still under development. So... use at your own risk!!!
- We're currently focusing on improving beson@1.x. So there may be some inconsistent behaviors between v0.9 and v1.x. When you encounter something awkward, don't hesitate to give us feed back, we'll fix the problem right away!