Bitcoin Client
Multi-platform Bitcoin desktop client built with Electron. With this Application, you will be able to buy and sell Bitcoins using Coinbase and keep an eye on your accounts balances.
Warning: Please keep in mind that that the primary purpose of the Application is to teach you how to build an App with Electron and how you can use the Coinbase Node.js SDK. The Bitcoin Client won’t be “Production-ready” even if it’s able to perform transactions with real money. If you trade with it, it’s always at your own risk
This is how it should look like:

For further information about to configure it, you can check out my tutorial here
Note (10–03–2018): As of today, I’m having some issues buying BTCs using the coinbase node.js library. I don’t discard that this is due to some bad configuration on my side, but other people are also having similar issues. I’ll update the tutorial once I find out the reason for this.