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Live binding handlebars templates

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Live binding handlebars templates


can-stache function

Live binding Mustache and Handlebars-comptable templates.


Processes the template and returns a renderer function that renders the template with data and local helpers.

  1. template {String}: The text of a mustache template.
  • returns {renderer}: A renderer function that returns a live document fragment that can be inserted in the page.
simpleHelper {function(*..., can-stache.sectionOptions, arg..., options)}

A helper function passed to registerSimpleHelper.

function(*..., can-stache.sectionOptions, arg..., options)
  1. undefined {*}:

  2. undefined {can-stache.sectionOptions}:

  3. arg {*}: Arguments passed from the tag. After the helper name, any space seperated [can.stache.key keys], numbers or strings are passed as arguments.

The following template:

  <p>{{madLib "Lebron James" verb 4}}</p>

Rendered with

  {verb: "swept"}

Will call a madLib helper with the following arguements.

    function(subject, verb, number){
      // subject -> "Lebron James"
      // verb -> "swept"
      // number -> 4

Unlike [can.stache.helper] simple helpers will always pass the actual value (instead of a compute).

  1. options {can.stache.helperOptions}: An options object that gets populated with optional:
  • fn and inverse section rendering functions

  • a hash object of the maps passed to the helper

  • returns {String|function(HTMLElement)}: The content to be inserted into the template.

helper {function(*..., can.stache.sectionOptions, arg..., [options](#helperoptions-object))}

A helper function passed to registerHelper.

function(*..., can.stache.sectionOptions, arg..., options)
  1. undefined {*}:

  2. undefined {can.stache.sectionOptions}:

  3. arg {*|can.compute}: Arguments passed from the tag. After the helper name, any space seperated keys, numbers or strings are passed as arguments. [can.stache.key Keys] that read an observable value are passed as [can-compute.computed]'s.

  4. options {helperOptions}: An options object that gets populated with optional:

  • fn and inverse section rendering functions

  • a hash object of the maps passed to the helper

  • returns {documentFragment|String|can.contentArray|function(HTMLElement)}: The content to be inserted into the template.

helperOptions {Object}

The options argument passed to a helper function.

  • fn {sectionRenderer(context, helpers)}: Renders the "truthy" subsection BLOCK. options.fn is only available if the helper is called as a section or inverse section like: {{#helper}} or `{{^helper}}. The subsection BLOCK's

    Available if the helper is called as a section or inverse section. [can.stache.helpers.sectionHelper section helper] is called. Call fn to render the BLOCK with the specified context.

  • inverse {sectionRenderer(context, helpers)}: Provided if a section helper is called with {{else}}. Call inverse to render the INVERSE with the specified context.

  • hash {Object<String,*|String|Number>}: An object containing all of the final arguments listed as name=value pairs for the helper.

    {{helper arg1 arg2 name=value other=3 position="top"}}

    options.hash = { name: <context_lookup>.value, other: 3, position: "top" }

  • context {*}: The current context the stache helper is called within.

    var temp = stache(
    var data = {person: {name: {first: "Justin"}}};
    can.stache.registerHelper("helper", function(options){
      options.context === data.person //-> true
  • scope {can-view-scope}: An object that represents the current context and all parent contexts. It can be used to look up key values in the current scope.

    var temp = stache(
    var data = {person: {name: {first: "Justin"}}};
    stache.registerHelper("helper", function(options){
      options.scope.attr("first")   //-> "Justin"
      options.scope.attr("person")  //-> data.person
  • options {can.view-scope.Options}: An object that represents the local stache helpers. It can be used to look up [can.stache.key key] values

    var temp = stache("{{}}{{helper}}{{/}}");
    var data = {person: {name: "Justin"}};
    stache.registerHelper("helper", function(options){
      options.options.attr("helpers.specialHelper") //-> function
    temp(data, {
      specialHelper: function(){ ... }
key {String}

A named reference to a value in the [can-view-scope scope] or [can.view-scope.Options helper scope] in a template.


A key specifies a value in the [can.view.Scope scope] or [can-view-scope.Options options] of a template being rendered. The key is used to look up a value in the scope.

What the key looks like changes the behavior of how a value is looked up in the scope. Keys can look like:

  • {{name}} - Single property name.
  • {{name.first}} - Multiple property names.
  • {{foo\\.bar}} - Single property name that includes a dot character.
  • {{./name}} - Single property in the current context.
  • {{../name}} - Single property in the parent context.
  • {{.}} or {{this}} - The current context.
  • {{../.}} - The parent context.
  • {{@key}} - Pass the value at key, even if it's a function or a compute.
  • {{~key}} - Pass a compute as the key's value instead of the value.
  • {{*variable}} - Reference a value in template scope.
  • {{%key}} - A special value that is added to scope. Examples:
    • {{%index}} - The index of a value in an array or [can.List].
    • {{%key}} - The property name of a value within an object or [can.Map].
    • {{%element}} - The element an event was dispatched on.
    • {{%event}} - The event object.
    • {{%viewModel}} - The viewModel of the current element.
sectionRenderer {function(context, helpers)}

Renders a section. These functions are usually provided as .fn and .inverse on a stache helper's options.

function(context, helpers)
  1. context {*|can-view-scope}: Specifies the data the section is rendered with. If a [can-view-scope] is provided, that scope is used to render the section. If anything else is provided, it is used to create a new scope object with the current scope as it's parent. If nothing is provided, the current scope is used to render the section.

  2. helpers {*|can-view-scope.Options}: Specifies the helpers the section is rendered with. If a [can-view-scope.Options] is provided, that scope is used to render the section. If anything else is provided, it is used to create a new scope object with the current helper scope as it's parent. If nothing is provided, the current helper scope is used to render the section.

  • returns {documentFragment|String}: Returns the rendered result of the helper. If the section is within a tag, like:

    <h1 {{#helper}}class='power'{{/helper}}>

    a String is returned.

    If the section is outside a tag like:

    <div> {{#helper}}<h2>Tasks</h2>{{/helper}} </div>

    a documentFragment is returned.

stache.registerHelper(name, helper)

The following template:

{{upper foo}}
stache.registerHelper("upper", function(str){
	return str.toUpperCase();
  1. name {String}: The name of the helper.
  2. helper {helper(*..., can.stache.sectionOptions, arg..., options)}: The helper function.
stache.registerSimpleHelper(name, helper)
  1. name {String}: The name of the helper.
  2. helper {can-stache.simplehelper}: The helper function.
  1. str {String}: A string you don't want to become escaped.
  • returns {String}: A string flagged by mustache as safe, which will not become escaped, even if you use {{{key}}}(triple slash).
  1. key {key}: A key that references one of the following:

    • A registered helper.
    • A value within the current or parent [can-stache.context context]. If the value is a function or [can.compute], the function's return value is used.
  • returns {String|function|*}:

    After the key's value is found (and set to any function's return value), it is passed to [can.view.txt] as the result of a call to its func argument. There, if the value is a:

    • null or undefined - an empty string is inserted into the rendered template result.
    • String or Number - the value is inserted into the rendered template result.
    • Function - A [can.view.hook hookup] attribute or element is inserted so this function will be called back with the DOM element after it is created.

Behaves just like {{key}} and {{helper}} but does not escape the result.

  1. key {key}: A key that references a value within the current or parent context. If the value is a function or [can-compute.computed], the function's return value is used.
  • returns {String|function|*}:


Render blocks of text one or more times, depending on the value of the key in the current context.

  1. key {key}: A key that references a value within the current or parent [can-stache.context context]. If the value is a function or [can-compute.computed], the function's return value is used.

  • returns {String}:

    Depending on the value's type, the following actions happen:

    • Array or [can-list] - the block is rendered for each item in the array. The [can-stache.context context] is set to the item within each block rendering.
    • A truthy value - the block is rendered with the [can.stache.context context] set to the value.
    • A falsey value - the block is not rendered.

    The rendered result of the blocks, block or an empty string is returned.


The {{&key}} tag is an alias for {{{key}}}, behaving just like {{key}} and {{helper}} but does not escape the result.

  1. key {key}: A key that references a value within the current or parent context. If the value is a function or [can-compute.computed], the function's return value is used.
  • returns {String|function|*}:


Ends a {{#key}} or [can-stache.tags.sectionHelper {{#helper}}] block.

  1. key {key}: A key that matches the opening key or helper name. It's also possible to simply write {{/}} to end a block.

Render blocks of text if the value of the key is falsey. An inverted section syntax is similar to regular sections except it begins with a caret rather than a pound. If the value referenced is falsey, the section will render.

  1. key {key}: A key that references a value within the current or parent [can-stache.context context]. If the value is a function or [can-compute.computed], the function's return value is used.
  • returns {String}:

    Depending on the value's type, the following actions happen:

    • A truthy value - the block is not rendered.
    • A falsey value - the block is rendered.

    The rendered result of the block or an empty string is returned.


The comment tag operates similarly to a <!-- --> tag in HTML. It exists in your template but never shows up.

  1. key {key}: Everything within this tag is completely ignored.
  • returns {String}:

{{#case expr}}BLOCK{{/case}}

Renders the BLOCK when expr matches the expr provided in the parent {{#switch expr}}.

  1. expr {can-stache.expression}: An expression or key that references a value.

  2. BLOCK {can-stache}: a template that will render if the case clause resolves.

  • returns {DocumentFragment}: A fragment, possibly containing the rendered BLOCK.
{{data name[ key]}}

Adds the current [can-stache.context context] to the element's [can-data].

  1. name {String}: The name of the data attribute to use for the context.

Renders the BLOCK if no [] blocks within the switch resolved.

  1. BLOCK {can.stache}: a template to be rendered.
  • returns {DocumentFragment}: A fragment, containing the rendered block.
{{#each key}}BLOCK{{/each}}

Render the block of text for each item in key's value.

  1. key {key}: A key that references a value within the current or parent context. If the value is a function or can.compute, the function's return value is used.

If the value of the key is a [can.List], the resulting HTML is updated when the list changes. When a change in the list happens, only the minimum amount of DOM element changes occur.

If the value of the key is a [can.Map], the resulting HTML is updated whenever attributes are added or removed. When a change in the map happens, only the minimum amount of DOM element changes occur.

  1. BLOCK {can.stache}: A template that is rendered for each item in the key's value. The BLOCK is rendered with the context set to the item being rendered.

Creates an inverse block for a helper function's options argument's inverse property.

  1. INVERSE {can-stache}: a stache template coverted to a function and set as the helper function's options argument's inverse property.
{{helper [args...] [hashProperty=hashValue...]}}

Calls a stache helper function or a function. For example:

The template:

<p>{{madLib "Lebron James" verb 4 foo="bar"}}</p>

Rendered with:

{verb: "swept"}

Will call a madLib helper with the following arguements:

  function(subject, verb, number, options){
    // subject -> "Lebron James"
    // verb -> "swept"
    // number -> 4
    // -> "bar"
  1. helper {key}: A key that finds a helper function that is either registered or found within the current or parent [can-stache.context context].

  2. args {key|String|Number}: Space seperated arguments that get passed to the helper function as arguments. If the key's value is a:

    • [can-map] - A getter/setter [can.compute] is passed.
    • [can-compute.computed] - The can.compute is passed.
    • function - The function's return value is passed.
  3. hashProperty {String}:

A property name that gets added to a helper options's hash object.

  1. hashValue {key|String|Number}: A value that gets set as a property value of the helper option argument's hash object.
{{#if key}}BLOCK{{/if}}

Renders the BLOCK template within the current template.

  1. key {key}: A key that references a value within the current or parent context. If the value is a function or can.compute, the function's return value is used.

  2. BLOCK {can-stache}: A stache template.

  • returns {String}: If the key's value is truthy, the BLOCK is rendered with the current context and its value is returned; otherwise, an empty string.
{{@index [offset]}}

Insert the index of an Array or [can-list] we are iterating on with #each

  1. offset {Number}: The number to optionally offset the index by.
{{#is expr...}}BLOCK{{/is}}

Renders the BLOCK template within the current template.

  1. expr {can-stache.expression}: An expression or key that references a value within the current or parent

  2. BLOCK {can-stache}: A template that is rendered if the result of comparsion expr1 and expr2 value is truthy.

  • returns {DocumentFragment}: If the key's value is truthy, the BLOCK is rendered with the current context and its value is returned; otherwise, an empty string.
{{joinBase expr}}

Return an application-relative url for a resource.

  1. expr {can-stache.expression}: An expression or key that references a value within the current or parent scope.
  • returns {String}: An application-relative url.

Insert the property name of an Object or attribute name of a can.Map that we iterate over with #each

{{#log [message]}}

Logs the context of the current block with an optional message.

  1. message {*}: An optional message to log out in addition to the current context.
{{#routeCurrent hashes}}SUBEXPRESSION{{/routeCurrent}}

Renders SUBEXPRESSION if the hashes passed to [can-route.current route.current] returns true. Renders the {{else}} expression if [can-route.current route.current] returns false.

  1. hashes {}: A hash expression like page='edit' recipeId=id.
  • returns {String}: The result of SUBEXPRESSION or {{else}} expression.

Calls [can-route.current can.route.current] with hashes and returns the result.

  1. hashes {}: A hash expression like page='edit' recipeId=id.
  • returns {Boolean}: Returns the result of calling [can-route.current route.current].
{{routeUrl hashes [,merge]}}

Passes the hashes to route.url and returns the result.

  1. hashes {}: A hash expression like page='edit' recipeId=id.

  2. merge {Boolean}: Pass true to create a url that merges hashes into the current [can-route] properties. Passing the merge argument is only available in undefined like routeUrl(id=itemId, true).

  • returns {String}: Returns the result of calling route.url.
{{#helper [args...] [hashName=hashValue...]}}BLOCK{{/helper}}

Calls a stache helper function or a function with a block to render.

The template:

<p>{{#countTo number}}{{num}}{{/countTo}}</p>

Rendered with:

{number: 5}

Will call the countTo helper:

  function(number, options){
    var out = [];
    for(var i =0; i < number; i++){
      var docFrag = options.fn({num: i+1});
      out.push( docFrag.textContent );
    return out.join(" ");

Results in:

<p>1 2 3 4 5</p>
  1. helper {key}: A key that finds a helper function that is either registered or found within the current or parent [can-stache.context context].

  2. args {key|String|Number}: Space seperated arguments that get passed to the helper function as arguments. If the key's value is a:

    • [can-map] - A getter/setter [can-compute.computed] is passed.
    • [can-compute.computed] - The compute is passed.
    • function - The function's return value is passed.
  3. hashProperty {String}:

A property name that gets added to a helper options's hash object.

  1. hashValue {key|String|Number}: A value that gets set as a property value of the helper option argument's hash object.

  2. BLOCK {stache}: A stache template that gets compiled and passed to the helper function as the options argument's fn property.

{{#helper [args...] [hashName=hashValue...]}}BLOCK{{else}}INVERSE{{/helper}}

Calls a stache helper function or a function with a fn and inverse block to render.

The template:

<p>The bed is
   {{#isJustRight firmness}}

Rendered with:

{firmness: 45}

Will call the isJustRight helper:

  function(number, options){
    if(number > 50){
      return options.fn(this);
    } else {
      return options.inverse(this);

Results in:

<p>The bed is uncomfortable.</p>
  1. helper {key}: A key that finds a helper function that is either registered or found within the current or parent [can-stache.context context].

  2. args {key|String|Number}: Space seperated arguments that get passed to the helper function as arguments. If the key's value is a:

    • [can-map] - A getter/setter [can-compute.computed] is passed.
    • [can-compute.computed] - The compute is passed.
    • function - The function's return value is passed.
  3. hashProperty {String}:

A property name that gets added to a helper options's hash object.

  1. hashValue {key|String|Number}: A value that gets set as a property value of the helper option argument's hash object.

  2. BLOCK {stache}: A stache template that gets compiled and passed to the helper function as the options argument's fn property.

  3. INVERSE {stache}: A stache template that gets compiled and passed to the helper function as the options argument's inverse property.

{{#switch expr}}BLOCK{{/switch}}

Renders the BLOCK with contextual {{#case expr}} and {{#default}} helpers.

  1. expr {can-stache.expression}: An expression or key that references a value that will be switched on.

  2. BLOCK {can-stache}: a template that is rendered, uses {{#case expr}} and {{#default}} helpers to match expr.

  • returns {DocumentFragment}: A fragment containing the rendered BLOCK.
{{#unless key}}BLOCK{{/unless}}

Render the block of text if the key's value is falsey.

  1. key {key}: A key that references a value within the current or parent context. If the value is a function or [can-compute.computed], the function's return value is used.

  2. BLOCK {can.stache}: A template that is rendered if the key's value is falsey.

{{#with key}}BLOCK{{/with}}

Changes the context within a block.

  1. key {key}: A key that references a value within the current or parent context. If the value is a function or [can-compute.computed], the function's return value is used.

  2. BLOCK {can.stache}: A template that is rendered with the context of the key's value.


Making a Build

To make a build of the distributables into dist/ in the cloned repository run

npm install
node build

Running the tests

Tests can run in the browser by opening a webserver and visiting the test.html page. Automated tests that run the tests from the command line in Firefox can be run with

npm test



Package last updated on 27 Jun 2016

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