Carrot CSS
Carrot CSS is a CSS Starter or micro-framework, it is not a framework as it does and assume way less, but this is more than a reset, as it give you a sane boilerplate for you to write your own CSS code.
To know more please refer to the documentation
Why Carrot CSS ?
Carrot CSS is a stable foundation for your projects, it is lightweight and CSS only. It use CSS variables and have built-in theme support, and the whole thing is understandable and easily customizable.
And also, Carrot CSS don't go too far, it only weight 4.2kB
gzipped and does just what you need, no more.
This library should be used by people that actually intend to write CSS, as it is not a component library, does not offers much styling and is not an utility library.
This is not meant to stops you from writing CSS, but to start your CSS from a right basis.
- Style Reboot: A reset and some base style for elements
- Sane base: Gets the font right, well named variables and theming support
- Utilities: A great color palette, some layout utilities and button styles
Start by adding this line to your <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
You can also use a package manager, and we actually recommends that approach, more on the Installation documentation.
When Carrot CSS is imported, you're all set!
Getting started
To get started, refer to the documentation page.
Bonus and Badges