A webpack plugin which incrementally uploads assets to a CDN upon build completion.

- Incremental upload: when using webpack in watch mode (or webpack-dev-server/webpack-dev-middleware), only newly-emitted assets are uploaded.
- Prune extraneous assets: assets on the CDN which are no longer present in the webpack build are deleted.
- Currently supports:
- Microsoft Azure Blob storage
npm install cdn-upload-webpack-plugin --save-dev
const CdnDeployPlugin = require('cdn-upload-webpack-plugin');
const azureUploadPlugin = new CdnUploadPlugin.Azure({
connection: {
connectionString: '<your connection string>'
connection: {
storageAccount: '<your storage account>',
storageAccessKey: '<your access key>'
containerName: 'files',
prefix: 'my/test/folder'
module.exports = {
entry: './index.js',
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js',
publicPath: azureUploadPlugin.getPublicPath()
plugins: [
Run webpack, and you should see upload progress logs e.g.
[23:31:33] webpack (95%) - emitting
[23:31:33] webpack (98%) - upload: creating Azure blob container 'files'
[23:31:34] webpack (98%) - upload: listing blobs under 'files/my/test/folder'
[23:31:34] webpack (98%) - upload: creating blob (1/1) 'files/my/test/folder/bundle.js'
[23:31:34] webpack (98%) - upload: uploaded 1 assets
[23:31:34] webpack (98%) - upload: pruned 0 extraneous assets
[23:31:34] webpack (100%)