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ClarkORM is a Typescript ORM built on top of Lucid ORM (AdonisJS).
AdonisJS is a great framework and it has one of the best ORM. But it works only in its ecosystem. Using ClarkORM you can have all the benefits of Lucid, but in any Node.js project you want.
How it works
ClarkORM is built on top of Lucid ORM and Lucid ORM is built on top of knex. The idea of ClarkORM is let you manage your migrations and seeds with knex the way you already do. But when it comes to Models ClarkORM comes on scene.
npm install clark-orm
npm install luxon
Here you can configure your connection like Adonis Lucid
import { defineConfig } from "clark-orm";
export const { BaseModel, Event, Database } = defineConfig({
connection: "sqlite",
connections: {
sqlite: {
client: "sqlite",
debug: false,
useNullAsDefault: true,
connection: {
filename: "./db.sqlite",
import { DateTime } from "luxon";
import { column } from "clark-orm";
import { BaseModel } from "../database";
export class CityModel extends BaseModel {
public static table = "cities";
@column({ isPrimary: true })
public id: number;
public name: string;
@column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true })
public createdAt: DateTime;
@column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, autoUpdate: true })
public updatedAt: DateTime;
You can learn more about the models here.
To use ClarkORM you need to know at least a little about knex and Lucid
Do you like to learn with examples? We have one here