Codius Command-Line Interface (CLI)
To use the Codius command-line interface (CLI), you need a recent version of Linux.
For the example commands below, we assume you're on Ubuntu 14.04 or later. But most up-to-date Linux distributions should work. We definitely recommend being on the latest stable release though.
If you're on Windows/Mac try installing Vagrant and then run:
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty32
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Congratulations, you are running Ubuntu/Linux! Proceed.
32-bit libc/libstdc++ (Skip if you're using Vagrant or a 32-bit installation)
On 64-bit systems you need to have the 32-bit versions of libc, libstdc++ and libseccomp installed.
On Ubuntu, run:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 lib32stdc++6 libseccomp2:i386
Install git by running:
sudo apt-get install git
Next, you need a recent version of Node.js. All versions of 0.10.x or higher should work.
On Ubuntu, you can install Node.js simply by:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node
To install Codius command line tools, run:
sudo npm install -g codius
Now let's verify everything installed ok.
codius selftest
Getting started
Hello world
Let's check out an application and run it!
git clone codius-example-helloworld
cd codius-example-helloworld
codius run
You should see something like:
Applications as servers
Codius applications can expose HTTP APIs, check it out:
git clone codius-example-webserver
cd codius-example-webserver
codius serve
You should see an message like Localhost server listening on port: 8000
meaning your application is now running at localhost:8000
. Go ahead and open it in a browser!
Uploading applications
You can upload contracts to Codius hosts.
NOTE: Before attempting to upload an application, it is important to first test it with Node and then with Codius using:
codius run
If your application runs with issues, you are ready to upload!
First, set yourself up with a local Codius host and run:
codius-host start
Now you can go back to the codius-example-webserver
folder from the previous example and run codius upload
cd codius-example-webserver
codius upload --hosts https://localhost:2633
Now your application is running on the Codius host! Go ahead and open its URL in the browser and watch its output in the host's log!
Remote hosts
To upload your application to one or more remote Codius hosts, specify the hosts using --hosts
. Multiple hosts can be listed using commas without spaces:
codius upload --hosts,
Using Self-Signed SSL Certificates
If your Codius host is using a self-signed SSL certificate (potentially for development) you will need to
enable tls connections with self-signed certs by setting the CODIUS_UNAUTHORIZED_SSL
environment variable to true
CODIUS_UNAUTHORIZED_SSL=true codius upload --hosts