The Salesforce Commerce SDK allows easy interaction with the Salesforce B2C Commerce platform APIs on the Node.js runtime.
Visit the Commerce Cloud Developer Center to learn more about Salesforce Commerce. The developer center has API documentation, getting started guides, community forums, and more.
Download and install Node.js and npm here.
Note: Only Node.js version 10 and 12 LTS are supported. Other versions can cause unexpected results. To use a different version of Node.js for other projects, you can manage multiple versions of Node.js with nvm.
Use npm to install the Commerce SDK.
npm install commerce-sdk
To use an SDK client, instantiate an object of that client and configure these parameters.
Note: These are optional parameters.
Parameter | Description |
baseUri | URL of the service with which the SDK interacts. If the baseUri isn't provided, the default baseUri for the relevant RAML file is used. |
clientId | ID of the client account created with Salesforce Commerce. |
organizationId | The unique identifier for your Salesforce identity. |
shortCode | Region specific merchant ID. |
siteId | A unique site ID (for example, RefArch or SiteGenesis). |
Sample Code
import * as CommerceSdk from "commerce-sdk";
const { ClientConfig, helpers, Search } = CommerceSdk;
const config = {
headers: {},
parameters: {
clientId: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
organizationId: "f_ecom_bblx_stg",
shortCode: "0dnz6oep",
siteId: "RefArch"
helpers.getShopperToken(config, { type: "guest" }).then(async (token) => {
try {
config.headers["authorization"] = token.getBearerHeader();
const searchClient = new Search.ShopperSearch(config);
const searchResults = await searchClient.productSearch({
parameters: {
q: "dress",
limit: 5
if ( {
const firstResult = searchResults.hits[0];
console.log(`${firstResult.productId} ${firstResult.productName}`);
} else {
console.log("No results for search");
return searchResults;
} catch (e) {
console.error(await e.response.text());
}).catch(async (e) => {
console.error(await e.response.text());
When using an IDE such as VSCode, the autocomplete feature lets you view the available method and class definitions, including parameters.
To view the details of a method or a variable, hover over methods and variables.
Autocomplete will also show the available properties of the data returned by SDK methods.
The SDK currently supports two types of caches - In-memory and Redis. Both the implementations respect standard cache headers. If you would like to use another type of cache, you can write your own implementation of the CacheManager. You can refer to this default cache manager when designing your implementation.
Cache storage adapter
The default cache storage limits to 10,000 distinct entities before applying a simple least recently used policy for cache replacement. You can change the limit by creating a quick-lru storage adapter.
import { CacheManagerKeyv } from "@commerce-apps/core";
import { QuickLRU } from "quick-lru";
const cacheManagerKeyv = new CacheManagerKeyv({ keyvStore: new QuickLRU({ maxSize: 50000 })});
const config = {
cacheManager: cacheManagerKeyv,
parameters: {
clientId: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
organizationId: "f_ecom_bblx_stg",
shortCode: "0dnz6oep",
siteId: "RefArch"
Refer to these directions to create your own cache storage adapter.
In-memory cache
In-memory caching of responses is enabled by default. To disable caching for a client, set cacheManager to 'null'.
const config = {
cacheManager: null,
parameters: {
clientId: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
organizationId: "f_ecom_bblx_stg",
shortCode: "0dnz6oep",
siteId: "RefArch"
Redis cache
To use a Redis cache, instantiate a CacheManagerRedis object with your Redis URL and put it in your client config object.
import { CacheManagerRedis } from "@commerce-apps/core"
const cacheManager = new CacheManagerRedis({ connection: "redis://localhost:6379" });
const config = {
cacheManager: cacheManager,
parameters: {
clientId: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
organizationId: "f_ecom_bblx_stg",
shortCode: "0dnz6oep",
siteId: "RefArch"
Memory management
When the specified amount of memory is reached, Redis can be configured to apply an eviction policy. Refer to this article to setup Redis as an LRU cache and to learn more about supported eviction policies.
Retry Policies
We are utilizing the node-retry package to facilitate request retries. The retry type definition looks as follows as taken from the node-retry package.
type RetrySettings = {
forever?: boolean;
unref?: boolean;
maxRetryTime?: number;
retries?: number;
factor?: number;
minTimeout?: number;
maxTimeout?: number;
randomize?: boolean;
All of these options can either be set on a per client or per request basis.
productClient = new Product({
retrySettings: {
retries: 2,
maxTimeout: 200,
minTimeout: 100
Default log level of the SDK is WARN (warning). SDK uses loglevel npm package. All the log levels supported by loglevel package are supported in SDK.
To change the loglevel, set the desired level on the SDK logger.
import { sdkLogger } from "commerce-sdk";
INFO level logging will enable brief request and response logging.
DEBUG level logging will enable logging of
- fetch options
- curl command of the request
- response (response body is not included)
- cache operations
Note: Debug level logging may expose sensitive data in the logs
Additional Documentation
API Documentation
License Information
The Commerce SDK is licensed under BSD-3-Clause license. See the license for details.