Dark Mode Screenshot 📷🌒
This Puppeteer script
takes a screenshot of a webpage in Light and Dark Mode.
Dark Mode | Light Mode |
⚠️ Prerequisite
For this script to work, you need to activate Dark Mode in your operating system.
Please see the instructions for various operating systems
on how to do that. The script will programmatically force Dark Mode off for taking the light screenshot.
👩💻 Usage
From the command line:
$ node dark-mode-screenshot.js --url https://googlechromelabs.github.io/dark-mode-toggle/demo/index.html --output screenshot --fullPage
Parameter (long) | Parameter (short) | Description |
--url | -u | The URL of the webpage, defaults to https://googlechromelabs.github.io/dark-mode-toggle/ demo/index.html . |
--output | -o | The file prefix of the screenshot (there will be a light and a dark file), defaults to screenshot . |
--fullPage | -f | Whether or not to take a full page screenshot, defaults to true . |
📄 License
Apache 2.0