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Continuous Deployment for the masses.
Download the latest version of your git package, run all tests and deploy to the specified directory.
Run a deployment server to launch deployments from the internet, and integrate with GitHub easily.
Includes an API to fire deployments from an external source.
Install from npm:
$ npm install deployments
Or add to your package.json as a dependency.
For manual installation, download from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/alexfernandez/deployment
Install node modules:
$ cd deployment
$ npm install
Et voilà!
There are three basic ways to start a deployment.
Command Line
To start a deployment from the command line:
$ node lib/deployment.js
Will launch a deployment, using the current directory as deployment directory.
The temp directory will be called like current, but reside in ../test'. For instance, if your current directory is
/home/af/projects/x', the default
test directory will be `/home/af/projects/test/x'.
Web Server
When your server can be reached from the internet,
you can start a web server that will listen to requests, by default on port 3470.
$ node bin/deployment-server.js --token wydjzfoytrg4grmy
Any requests coming in with the special, magic token will result in a deployment.
From localhost use this URL:
You should see an OK message, or "Bad request" if an incorrect URL is sent.
If a token is not passed and therefore the default token is used, a warning will be shown.
To generate a good, random token just write at your Bash console:
$ echo "$(head -c 16 /dev/random | base64 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | sed 's/\/\+//g' | head -c 16)"
To access from the outside you can
The resulting external URL can be added as a
webhook to GitHub.
You can also start a deployment using the API.
The process is standardized as follows:
- update code in test directory,
- update node modules in test directory,
- run package tests in test directory,
- update code in deployment directory,
- update node modules in test directory.
As console commands, the sequence would be:
$ git pull /home/af/projects/test/x
$ npm install /home/af/projects/test/x
$ npm test /home/af/projects/test/x
$ git pull /home/af/projects/x
$ npm install /home/af/projects/x
Service Restart
You will note that we have not mentioned any restart as part of the deployment process.
By default `deployment' does not deal with service restart, so how does the new code enter into service?
There are several alternatives.
First, deployment' can be configured to run a specified command, passing it an option
deploymentCommand' from the API.
Second, the service could be run using `supervisor', which would restart the service automatically
right after downloading the new code.
Another option is to run your services in cluster mode, rebooting each worker after a specified time.
This scheme does not mesh well with database schema updates, or any other irreversible changes.