Desplega create react app
This is a prebuilt deplega configuration to deploy an app generated with create react app. Using the branch master of the repository that holds your react app.
npm install --save-dev desplega-create-react-app
yarn add --dev desplega-create-react-app
Just create a desplega file in your proyect's root directory. This asumes you have configured a remote server to authenticate with your public key and a username in the sudoers group.
const desplegaCreateReactApp = require("desplega-create-react-app");
module.exports = desplegaCreateReactApp({
host: " | your:IP",
username: "deploy",
deployTo: "apps/react-app",
branchName: "master",
repoUrl: "",
limitReleaseCount: 5,
withNginx: true,
serverName: "",
asDefault: true
Remote server to connect and deploy your app
username [root]
User name to connect in the remote server
Where to put the files of your app
branchName [master]
Source branch to use
Repository to clone and process
You can cache older version of the deployed apps just in case.
withNginx [false]
Installs and configure nginx to serve your app
Configure the nginx virtual server to leasen to this domain | ip
asDefault [false]
if true it unlinks the default nginx conf file and set the app server as the default server