Development Dashboards Documentation Site
For an overview of the project structure please refer to the Gatsby documentation - Building with Components
Getting Started
To install and run the documentation site locally:
yarn install
yarn run develop
Then, open your favorite browser to localhost:8000. GraphiQL runs at localhost:8000/___graphql.
Ready to Deploy :shipit:
Build the site to test locally.
yarn run build
Serve the build.
yarn run serve
Then, open your favorite browser to localhost:9000 to verify everything looks correct.
If everything checks out, build the production site with the prefixed path, /open-source/development-dashboards/
, so the files load at the correct URL!
yarn run build:pp
To publish to NPM run
npm version <newversion | major | minor | patch> (see Versioning notes below)
Versioning Notes
For a reliable systems of releases, development-dashboards-docs
should aim for versioning along these lines:
- Patch: Typos, missing assets, broken styles, very minor copyedits.
- Minor: Add a new blog post, change styles.
- Major: Rearchitect how the lander works, remove pages, or something else huge.