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Event traking with Segment IO

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A React Native wrapper for Segment Analytics


yarn add react-native-analytics-segment-io
react-native link react-native-analytics-segment-io


Add Analytics framework to your Podfile.

pod 'Analytics'

Device-based integration components

To add an integration with a Device-based Connection Mode, you must manually add that integration’s dependencies to the Podfile.

pod 'Segment-Mixpanel'
pod 'Segment-GoogleAnalytics'

The wrapper will automatically register the added components in the configuration when the SDK is initialized.

Supported integrations:

Taplyticspod 'Segment-Taplytics'
Adjustpod 'Segment-Adjust'
Google Analyticspod 'Segment-GoogleAnalytics'
ComScorepod 'Segment-ComScore'
Amplitudepod 'Segment-Amplitude'
Facebook App Eventspod 'Segment-Facebook-App-Events'
Mixpanelpod 'Segment-Mixpanel'
Localyticspod 'Segment-Localytics'
Flurrypod 'Segment-Flurry'
Quantcastpod 'Segment-Quantcast'
Crittercismpod 'Segment-Crittercism'
Firebasepod 'Segment-Firebase'
AppsFlyerpod 'segment-appsflyer-ios'
Branchpod 'Segment-Branch'
Braze (formerly Appboy)pod 'Segment-Appboy'
Intercompod 'Segment-Intercom'

Ensure build order

To be absolutely certain that your integrations will be correctly handled by the react-native-analytics-segment-io module, you have to make sure that the Pods target is built before the RNAnalyticsSegmentIO one.

  1. Open your project workspace <name_of_your_app>.xcworkspace located in the ios/ folder.

:warning: we want to open the .xcworkspace file and NOT the .xcodeproj.

  1. Open the Edit Scheme… pane of your own app target main scheme.

Edit scheme

  1. Select Build in the phase list on the left.

Build list

  1. Make sure that the Parallelize build option is unchecked.

Parallelize build

  1. If the Pods-<name_of_your_app> target is not present in the list click the + button and select it in the list under the Pods project.

Pods target selection

  1. If the RNAnalyticsSegmentIO target is not present in the list click the + button and select it in the list under the RNAnalyticsSegmentIO project.

Module target selection

  1. Re-arrange the Targets list by dragging targets around to make sure that:
  • Both Pods-<name_of_your_app> and RNAnalyticsSegmentIO are placed after the React target and before the <name_of_your_app> target.
  • The RNAnalyticsSegmentIO target is placed after the Pods-<name_of_your_app> one.

Build order

Note: This setup is particularly relevant if your Podfile contains use_frameworks!


Run react-native link react-native-analytics-segment-io to add the necessary lines to the build files. Alternatively, you can do this manually with the 2 following steps:

  1. Add a reference to the project in settings.gradle:
include ':react-native-analytics-segment-io'
project(':react-native-analytics-segment-io').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-analytics-segment-io/android')
  1. Add the dependency to the app's build.gradle file:
compile project(':react-native-analytics-segment-io')

When the build files are set up to include the library, add a dependency to the Segment SDK in the app's build.gradle file:

compile '' // We have tested with version 4.2.6

Then sync Gradle, and add the analytics package to your Application class:

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
  return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
      new MainReactPackage(),
      new AnalyticsPackage()

Your project is now ready to start calling functions on react-native-analytics-segment-io.

Why you need to add the Segment SDK manually

The Segment SDK is added to the library as a provided dependency, meaning that it is not included in the final build. That is why it is necessary to include the Segment SDK in the app's build.gradle file. This makes it easy to update the Segment SDK from the app, and it makes the app's build configuration the source of truth when it comes to Segment.

Minimum React Native version

It is required to use React Native v0.46.4 or higher. This is because we use a feature in Java on the passed maps (.toHashMap()) that is introduced in that version.

Device-based integration components

To add an integration with a Device-based destination, you have to manually add that integration as a dependency to the app's build.gradle file.

For example:

compile ''
compile ''

The wrapper will automatically register the added components in the configuration when the SDK is present.

Supported integrations:

Braze (formerly Appboy)com.appboy:appboy-segment-integration:2.1.1

Extra repositories

Some integrations require you to add an extra Maven repository to your app's build.gradle file. These are all of those dependencies with their repository:

repositories {
  maven { url "" } // Required for Braze (formerly Appboy)
  maven { url '' } // Required for Comscore
  maven { url '' } // Required for Countly
  maven { url '' } // Required for Firebase
  maven { url '' } // Required for Localytics


import Analytics, { AnalyticsConstants } from 'react-native-analytics-segment-io'

setup: function (key, options = {})

Initial framework setup

const options = { option: value, option: value }
Analytics.setup('segment_write_key', options)

Where options is an object that contains the options mentioned in the table below. There are constants available for all the options, using [AnalyticsConstants.optionName], e.g. [AnalyticsConstants.trackApplicationLifecycleEvents]: true. If an option is not set in the options object, its default value is used (see table below).

setup() returns a promise to indicate whether the initialization was successful or not.

Supported options:

enableAdvertisingTrackingBooltrueWhether the analytics client should track advertising info.
flushAtInteger20The number of queued events that the analytics client should flush at. Setting this to 1 will not queue any events and will use more battery.
recordScreenViewsBoolfalseWhether the analytics client should automatically make a screen call when a view controller is added to a view hierarchy.
shouldUseBluetoothBoolfalseWhether the analytics client should record bluetooth information.
shouldUseLocationServicesBoolfalseWhether the analytics client should use location services.
trackApplicationLifecycleEventsBoolfalseWhether the analytics client should automatically make a track call for application lifecycle events, such as "Application Installed", "Application Updated" and "Application Opened".
trackAttributionDataBoolfalseWhether the analytics client should automatically track attribution data from enabled providers using the mobile service.
trackDeepLinksBoolfalseWhether the analytics client should automatically track deep links.
debugBoolfalseWhether the analytics client should log everything to the console (only enable this during development).

identify: function (userId, traits = {})

Tie a user to their actions and record traits about them

Analytics.identify('user_id', { email: 'user_email' })

Futher explanation can be found on Segments own page.

track: function (event, properties = {})

Record the actions your users performs

Analytics.track('Weapon Bought', { weapon: 'sword' })

Futher explanation can be found on Segments own page.

screen: function (name, properties = {})

Record whenever a user sees a screen

Analytics.screen('Photo Screen', { feed: 'private' })

Futher explanation can be found on Segments own page.

group: function (groupId, traits = {})

Associate an identified user user with a group'Group123', {name: 'Bob Group', description: 'Accounting Awesome'})

Futher explanation can be found on Segments own page.

alias: function (newId)

Associate one user identity with another


Futher explanation can be found on Segments own page.

reset: function ()

Clears the SDK’s internal stores for the current user and group


Futher explanation can be found on Segments own page.

flush: function ()

Manually flush the queue


Futher explanation can be found on Segments own page.

enable: function ()

You may need to offer the ability for users to opt-out of analytics


Futher explanation can be found on Segments own page.

disable: function ()

You may need to offer the ability for users to opt-out of analytics


Futher explanation can be found on Segments own page.


To run the iOS example:

git clone
cd react-native-analytics-segment-io
cd example
yarn install
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
react-native run-ios

To run the Android example:

git clone
cd react-native-analytics-segment-io
cd example
yarn install
react-native run-android





Last updated on 18 Sep 2018

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