Electron Settings
A simple and robust settings management library for Electron.
Born from Atom's original internal configuration manager and the settings manager of choice for Electron's own API Demos app, Electron Settings allows you to persist user settings and other data between app loads simply and easily.

npm install electron-settings
import settings from 'electron-settings';
await settings.set('color', {
name: 'cerulean',
code: {
rgb: [0, 179, 230],
hex: '#003BE6'
await settings.get('color.name');
await settings.get('color.code.rgb[1]');
only works in the main process. If you want to use electron-settings
in the renderer process, you need to use IPC.
ipcMain.handle('getSettingValue', (event, key) => {
return settings.get(key);
const foo = await ipcRenderer.invoke('getSettingValue', 'foo');
API Docs
API docs and can be found at electron-settings.js.org.
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