
This package provides MitMaro's shared extensible ESLint config.
There are two ESLint configurations for your usage.
General Setup
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-mitmaro eslint-plugin-filenames eslint-plugin-promise eslint-plugin-security eslint
The default export contains a set of common ESLint rules, including ECMAScript 6+.
- add
"extends": "mitmaro"
to your ESLint config file
Adds support for eslint-babel
and the ESLint babel plugin.
- Ensure you have installed the dependencies from General Setup
npm install --save-dev babel-eslint eslint-plugin-babel
- add
"extends": ["mitmaro", "mitmaro/config/babel"]
to your ESLint config file
- Ensure you have installed the dependencies from General Setup
- add
"extends": "mitmaro/config/chai"
to your ESLint config file
Adds support for ECMAScript 6 features and sets the source type to module
- add
"extends": ["mitmaro", "mitmaro/config/ecmascript-6"]
to your ESLint config file
Adds support for ECMAScript 7 features. This config automatically brings in eslint-config-mitmaro/config/ecmascript-6
- Ensure you have installed the dependencies from General Setup
- add
"extends": ["mitmaro", "mitmaro/config/ecmascript-7"]
to your ESLint config file
Adds support for ECMAScript 8 features. This config automatically brings in eslint-config-mitmaro/config/ecmascript-7
- Ensure you have installed the dependencies from General Setup
- add
"extends": ["mitmaro", "mitmaro/config/ecmascript-8]
to your ESLint config file
Adds support for mocha, disabling certain rules and adding the ESLint mocha plugin.
- Ensure you have installed the dependencies from General Setup
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-mocha
- add
"extends": "mitmaro/config/mocha"
to your ESLint config file
- Ensure you have installed the dependencies from General Setup
- add
"extends": "mitmaro/config/node"
to your ESLint config file
Note: You should config after include this after ecmascript-*
- Ensure you have installed the dependencies from General Setup
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-react
- add
"extends": "mitmaro/config/react"
to your ESLint config file
This project follows as closely as possible Semantic Versioning. A MAJOR change would be caused
by including a rule that could cause a passing code base to fail. A MINOR change is a modification or removal of a rule
that would not cause existing passing code to fail. A PATCH would be any fix that doesn't cause any changes to rules.
Add new rule definitions under the files located in rules
ensuring to keep the rule correctly categorized and in the
same order as defined on the ESLint rules page.
This project self-lints and ensure that all file paths are correct. You can run these checks with the npm run test
This project is released under the ISC license. See LICENSE.