What is fast-sourcemap-concat?
The fast-sourcemap-concat npm package is designed to concatenate multiple JavaScript files and generate source maps for them. This is particularly useful in build processes where you need to combine several files into one while maintaining the ability to debug the original source code.
What are fast-sourcemap-concat's main functionalities?
Concatenate JavaScript files
This feature allows you to concatenate multiple JavaScript files into a single output file. The code sample demonstrates how to create a new Concat instance, add files to it, and then finalize the concatenation process.
const Concat = require('fast-sourcemap-concat');
const concat = new Concat({ outputFile: 'output.js' });
Generate source maps
This feature enables the generation of source maps while concatenating files. The code sample shows how to enable source map generation by setting the `sourceMap` option to true.
const Concat = require('fast-sourcemap-concat');
const concat = new Concat({ outputFile: 'output.js', sourceMap: true });
Add raw content
This feature allows you to add raw content directly to the concatenated output. The code sample demonstrates how to add a raw JavaScript snippet using the `addSpace` method.
const Concat = require('fast-sourcemap-concat');
const concat = new Concat({ outputFile: 'output.js' });
concat.addSpace('console.log("Hello World");');
Other packages similar to fast-sourcemap-concat
The concat-with-sourcemaps package provides similar functionality for concatenating files and generating source maps. It is a lightweight alternative that focuses on simplicity and ease of use.
The gulp-concat package is a popular plugin for the Gulp build system that allows for file concatenation. It also supports source map generation when used in conjunction with other Gulp plugins.
The broccoli-concat package is a Broccoli plugin for concatenating files and generating source maps. It is designed to work within the Broccoli build system and offers similar functionality to fast-sourcemap-concat.
Fast Source Map Concatenation

This library lets you concatenate files (with or without their own
pre-generated sourcemaps), and get a single output file along with a
It was written for use in ember-cli via broccoli-sourcemap-concat.
source-map dependency
We depend on mozilla's source-map library, but only to use their
base64-vlq implementation, which is in turn based on the version in
the Closure Compiler.
We can concatenate much faster than source-map because we are
specifically optimized for line-by-line concatenation.