fully-storage is a simple no-sql data store with an HTTP session manager implemented , generator fixtures and more...

You can local install fully-storage with your handler dependencies favorite
npm install fully-storage --save
or with yarn
yarn add fully-storage
example app
manager session inside easy todolist app
storage nosql inside easy articles app
fixtures API inside easy articles app
The data store and stored in folders called collections and the entries are stored in JSON files called doc inside the fully-storage collections created one file per entry.
For comparison to relational database management systems, collections are tables and docs are entries.
store usage
const fullyStorage = require('fully-storage');
create collection
A collection is a new list of docs ( entries ), you can made a collections for data game of: users, commentaries, articles...
If collections you attempts create already exists, she are not erase,
you should explicit ask erase collection for execute this action, with: fullyStorage.deleteCollection( collectionName )
create doc
During the exec of your app you have need add docs ( entries ) inside your collection,
during post of a new article, register of new users ect...
const collectionName = "article";
const doc = {
contentText: "Excepteur elit esse irure laborum duis sint magna.",
imageUrl: "https://i.picsum.photos/id/237/500/500.jpg",
createAt: Date.now()
const docId = fullyStorage.addDoc(
console.log( docId );
You can see fully storage have attribute a uniq id for doc ( number auto increment ) but your entry article have not id,
you can update the doc and add the docId
, but more easy give third arg with true
value for fully-storage auto add id key inside your
doc with the value equal to the docId
const collectionName = "article";
const doc = {
contentText: "Excepteur elit esse irure laborum duis sint magna.",
imageUrl: "https://i.picsum.photos/id/237/500/500.jpg",
createAt: Date.now()
const docId = fullyStorage.addDoc(
console.log( docId );
You can make reference to auto save id with the constant: fullyStorage.AUTO_SAVE_ID
const docId = fullyStorage.addDoc(
get doc
For show data inside a user interface you have needs get a specific doc or a docs list,
for get a specific, you have need of the collection name and the doc id auto generate.
You can think during a request HTTP for get a specific article,
exemple with HTTP router express:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const server = require('http').Server( app );
const fullyStorage = require('fully-storage');
.get('/article/:id', ( request, response ) => {
const {id} = request.params;
const article = fullyStorage.getDoc('articles', id);
if( article ) {
response.status( 200 );
success: true,
statusText: "Success",
data: article
} else {
response.status( 404 );
success: false,
statusCode: 404,
statusText: "Not found",
} )
server.listen( 3001, () => {
console.log( 'server run...' )
} );
The method fullyStorage.getDoc
return null
if not found doc.
docs list
You can have needs get all docs of any collection for your interface, API or any sorted of data.
const articles = fullyStorage.get('articles');
console.log( articles );
The method: get
return array objects docs of collection.
before the version 1.5.4
for get docs of collection, you should
use the method: getDocsList
this method return array docsname and
loop docsname for get doc by docname.
const articles = [];
const docsname = fullyStorage.getDocsList( 'articles' );
docsname.forEach( docname => {
fullyStorage.getDocByDocname( docname )
} );
console.log( articles );
The method: fullyStorage.getDocByDocname
is equal to fullyStorage.getDoc
but await a docname in argument 1 while fullyStorage.getDoc
await collectionName and docId.
A docname is composed of: {collectionName}-{id}.json
And its sorted inside:
- /node_modules/
- / fully-storage
- / collections
- / {collectionName}
- {collectionName}-{id}.json
update doc
During the exec of your app you can have need update a doc
const article = fullyStorage.getDoc( 'articles', 0 );
article.text = "Nostrud labore nisi laborum mollit proident elit dolor tempor.";
article.lastUpdate = Date.now();
fullyStorage.updateDoc( 'articles', 0, article );
you can ask a update with force,
if the doc and/or the collection name not exists
the collection name and/or the doc is create
text: "Reprehenderit dolore exercitation ex elit ea esse."
delete doc
You can delete a specific doc with the collection name and the doc id
fullyStorage.deleteDoc( 'articles', 0 );
You can make existing test on doc and collection
exists doc
you can test if a specific doc exists with collection name and doc id
const isExists = fullyStorage.isExistsDoc( 'articles', 0 );
if( isExists === true ) {
console.log('hi exists');
} else {
console.log( 'hi not exists');
exists collection
you can test if a collection exists with collection name
const isExists = fullyStorage.isExistsCollection( 'articles' );
if( isExists === true ) {
console.log('she exists');
} else {
console.log( 'she not exists');
stat doc
The doc is stored inside file also you can ask stat of doc as file:
create at, last update at ...
const createAt = fullyStorage.getCreateAtDoc( 'articles', 0 );
const lastUpdateAt = fullyStorage.gegetLastUpdateAtDoc('articles', 0 );
The time is give with timestamp ms,
you can get a full stats doc with:
fullyStorage.getStatDoc( collectionName, docId )
This method return a native fs.stats object.
delete collection
You can delete a collection with:
fullyStorage.deleteCollection( collectionName )
collection list
You can get the list of collections with attribute:
In more of basic usage of fully-storage you can use a handler for specific collections,
the handler automate or reduce tasks standard of a collection.
If you stock users data with fully-storage you can use a API already implemented.
users collection
Create a new users collection use the method
fullyStorage.addUsersCollection( config: object )
you should give a object config for handler of users
const config = {
collectionName: "users",
passwordHash: {
hash: "bcrypt",
cost: 13,
uniqKeys: [
constraintsAuthentication: {
isRemoveAccount: false,
isLockAccount: false,
isValidateAccount: true
autoGenerate: [
fullyStorage.addUsersCollection( config );
add user
You can use the method: fullyStorage.addUser( user: object )
for add a new user.
const user = {
username: 'Orivoir21',
password: 'secret ^.^',
email: 'unicorn@gmail.com'
const response = fullyStorage.addUser( user );
console.log( response );
If not uniq keys have reject add user,
the user will added
response add user {
success: boolean,
?user: object,
?error: string,
?uniqKeysError: string[]
you can automate authentication user with fullyStorage.authentication( credentials: object )
const credentials = {
login: 'unicorn@gmail.com',
password: 'secret ^.^'
const response = fullyStorage.authentication( credentials );
The login
key is used as email
key, if you want logged a user with a other key
you can replace the key login
by the real key name.
const credentials = {
username: 'Orivoir21',
password: 'secret ^.^'
const response = fullyStorage.authentication( credentials );
The key password with the plain password should be exists, but you can choice the login key.
If the login password matches with any user and constraints authentication not reject authentications, its success authentication.
response authentication {
success: boolean,
isLoginExists: boolean,
?error: string,
?errorMuted: string
?constraintsAuthentication: object
get user
You can easy get user.s with any schema use the method:
fullyStorage.getUsersBy( schema: object )
const users = fullyStorage.getUsersBy( {
username: "Orivoir21"
} );
console.log( users );
The method: getUserBy
return a array of users
if 0 users have found return empty array
Fixtures is a API implemented from fully-storage-faker-api
you can auto generate data fixtures and auto push docs inside your storage, easy create factory data for you'r dev env
You can use CLI for automate work fixtures
You can see a example usage fixtures API inside a easy app
create faker
For create a new faker you should call the method: fullyStorage.createFaker( ?locality: string ): GeneratorFixtures
const locality = "en_US";
const faker = fullyStorage.createFaker( locality );
Arg 1 locality
is optional because default value is en_US
generate fixtures
Before create fixtures, you should use attribute options
for specified collection
target of fixtures data
faker.options.collectionName = "articles";
if articles
collection not exists she auto create
Now you can generate fixtures data
const manyTimes = 10;
faker.forEach( manyTimes, function( generator ) {
const article = {};
article.title = generator.lorem.words( 5 );
const sentenceCount = 4;
const separator = ' ';
article.contentText = generator.lorem.sentences( sentenceCount, separator );
article.createAt = generator.date.betweeen( 'now', '-60days' );
return article;
} );
Arg 1 generator
is a faker object based on faker package,
This code should append 10 new articles inside articles
for show this results you can use CLI implemented by fully-storage for dump collection
You can generate a fixtures file base and automate load fixtures with the CLI implemented
http session manager
You can use fully-storage as manager HTTP session,
very easy usage the recognize client is based on user-agent of
the headers request, the storage structure is identical to storage outside
manager session:
- /node_modules
- /fully-storages
- /collections
- /session-store{random-id}
fully-storage create a collection for stock the session with the name
session-store, you should not use this name for another collection
the collection name: session-store
is reserved by fully-storage
session start
you should call the method: fullyStorage.sessionStart
for start a new handler session HTTP
const http = require('http');
const fullyStorage = require('fully-storage');
const onRequest = fullyStorage.sessionStart({
expires: ( 1e3 * 60 * 60 ),
autoSave: true,
clear: true,
const server = http.createServer( function( request, response ) {
onRequest( request, response );
if( !request.session.test ) {
request.session.test = Math.random();
res.end( `test session value is: ${request.session.test}` );
} );
session stop
If you want manually destroy the manager session you can call:
usage as middleware
you can use the manager session as middleware with Express
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const server = require('http').Server( app );
const fullyStorage = require('fully-storage');
const sessionMiddleware = fullyStorage.sessionStart( {
expires: ( 1e3 * 60 * 60 ),
autoSave: true
} ) ;
app.use( sessionMiddleware );
app.get('/', (request, response) => {
if( !request.session.test ) {
request.session.test = Math.random();
response.status( 200 );
response.send( `session test with: ${request.sesssion.test}` );
} );
server.listen( 3001 );
You should call the synchrone method request.session.save
for persists update session data, between HTTP request.
cli usage
fully-storage implement a CLI for have overview of data store
and for can export data store from /node_modules/
to your project before remove/regenerate /node_modules/
and more up...
from your package.json
you can add scripts key
"scripts": {
"storage": "storage"
or you can access to cli with:
> ./node_modules/.bin/storage
This command export all collections from node_modules folders to root of your project
with npm key script:
> npm run store -- --export
You should execute this command before remove/regenerate the node_modules, folder
for not lost your store data.
> ./node_modules/bin/storage --export
This command import all collections from ./collections folder to /node_modules/ folder
with npm key script:
> npm run store -- --import
You should execute this command after have regenerate the node_modules folder.
you delete collection or doc from CLI,
Warning the cli do not ask confirm action.
delete collection
for delete a collection:
with npm key script:
> npm run store -- --delete articles
> ./node_modules/bin/storage --delete articles
delete doc
for delete a doc use the format: {collectionName}.{docId}
with npm key script:
> npm run store -- --delete-doc articles.0
> ./node_modules/bin/storage --delete-doc articles.0
add collection
You can create a new empty collection with add-collection
> npm run store -- --add-collection users
> ./node_modules/bin/storage --add-collection users
if collection already exists command is reject.
regenerate collection
You can remove all docs from a collection with regenerate
> npm run store -- --regenerate articles
> ./node_modules/bin/storage --regenerate articles
you can dump data from the CLI
dump collections list
for show the collections list:
> npm run store -- --collections-dump
> ./node_modules/bin/storage --collections-dump
output should have this format:
{number} collections found.s
{collectionsName} have {number} docs
{collectionsName} have {number} docs
{collectionsName} have {number} docs
if you have create 0 collection the command is reject.
> npm run store -- --dump articles
> ./node_modules/bin/storage --dump articles
output should have this format:
{collectionName} have {number} docs
{docname} ({numbers} keys) :
keyname: value,
keyname: value
{docname} ({numbers} keys)
keyname: value,
keyname: value
if collection name not exists the command is reject.
cli fixtures
The CLI can build base fixtures file for you and auto load fixtures files
You can see a example usage fixtures from CLI inside a easy app
make fixtures
create a new fixtures file for a specific collection
> npm run store -- --fixtures articles
> ./node_modules/bin/storage --fixtures articles
append a new folders fixtures
at root of you'r project and add inside the fixtures
folders a fixture file with this format: {collectionName}.js
and a static file for autload fixture: load.js
- /fixtures
- {collectionName}.js
- load.js
you can write your fixtures from the file: {collectionName}.js
inside the onGenerate
fixture file:
onGenerate( generator ) {
const article = {};
return article;
use the api faker for create you'r factory data,
onGenerate( generator ) {
const article = {};
article.title = generator.lorem.words( 5 );
const sentenceCount = 4;
const separator = ' ';
article.contentText = generator.lorem.sentences( sentenceCount, separator );
article.createAt = generator.date.betweeen( 'now', '-15days' );
return article;
load fixtures
After write your body fixtures you can load files with one command:
> npm run store -- --fixtures-load
> ./node_modules/bin/storage --fixtures-load