Github CLI to fetch stats
$ npm install -g github-stats-cli
After installing the package generate a Github token with repo
level access and set the environment variable
by using:
echo 'export GH_STATS_TOKEN=<your token>' >> ~/.bash_profile
This token will be used by the cli to interface with the Github API.
Usage: github-stats-cli [options]
-v, --version output the version number
-o, --org <org> required github repo org name
-r, --repo <repo> required github repo name
-u, --user <user> optional author name
-n, --num <num> optional number of pull requests to return (default: 10)
-s, --states <states> comma separated MERGED|CLOSED|OPEN (default: OPEN)
-h, --help output usage information
Environment variables:
GH_STATS_TOKEN set export GH_STATS_TOKEN=<your generated github token>
Minimal usage - get last 10 PRs from facebook/react that are currently open:
$ github-stats-cli -o facebook -r react
Get last 20 PRs that are currently merged, closed or open:
$ github-stats-cli -o facebook -r react -n 20 -s MERGED,CLOSED,OPEN
Get last 20 closed PRs and return only the ones that match user name bvaughn:
$ github-stats-cli -o facebook -r react -n 20 -s MERGED -u bvaughn